Three years.
My vows I made to him three years ago today show more and more the truth in who Kaleb is for me. I say it all the time but he keeps proving that he is my calm just like I told him he was in front of all of our friends and family three years ago. This last year was hard. I lost my grandma, we miscarried a baby, he was without a job for a month, and we questioned our paths a bit, We hit a wide range of emotions and experienced quite a few firsts together. I can't imagine this is our hardest year but we weathered the storm together well. Sometimes it was hard to hold on but we did it and here we are celebrating three years.
Just like with any hard year there was so much good that unfolded as well. The Lord decided to fill my womb again and Kaleb's new job was more than we expected it to be. It's crazy to think that these things weigh in on a marriage but that's exactly what life does. It weighs in on your relationship with your spouse and presses down hard. I can't imagine either one of us expected so many life altering things to happen in just three years but I'm so grateful to the Lord for choosing Kaleb as the man I get to experience such a dippy roller coaster with.
Just like with any hard year there was so much good that unfolded as well. The Lord decided to fill my womb again and Kaleb's new job was more than we expected it to be. It's crazy to think that these things weigh in on a marriage but that's exactly what life does. It weighs in on your relationship with your spouse and presses down hard. I can't imagine either one of us expected so many life altering things to happen in just three years but I'm so grateful to the Lord for choosing Kaleb as the man I get to experience such a dippy roller coaster with.
I know year two was hard but I'm believing year three to be our year, babe. Our year of promises fulfilled, hope, and redemption. You have held me together piece by piece with each wave that hit us this year. I pray I did the same for you. I love unraveling our story and really digging deep into what makes our relationship unique and special. I'm still in disbelief how well God knows my heart and the kind of man I needed. I hope I've been true to the wife I know God has asked me to be for you. It drives me nuts how perfect you can be. While I constantly screw up, you are constantly cleaning up my mess and then blindly choosing me still. I can't thank you enough for that. Not just for choosing me each day but for choosing to not see my many flaws and for always being encouraging in areas you know I have the least hope in. You were built to be a husband; you do it so well. You teach me about love and marriage and sacrifice on a daily basis. And just like I knew you would, you fill our home with so much laughter. I love you, husband.