One year later...

10:12 AM

Has it really been a year since I walked down the aisle and promised my forever to my best friend? Some days it feels like it's been longer than a year, some days I can't believe how long it's really is that day. July 28, 2012 was the best day of my life. Marriage has been the biggest blessing I've known. It's true what they say-relationships aren't cookie cutter. They're all different. They look different, they're shaped differently, and they're built differently. Our relationship? It's my favorite. 

One year later and I'm a changed woman. He makes me better. He is always present. He makes me laugh and smile like no one ever could. His heart is so tender yet he is so tough. Most days I roll over and watch him sleep for a little bit and wonder why he picked me. I still don't understand how this man, passionate about so many things, became passionate about pursuing me. I didn't date him only to find out he was my best friend. In fact, it was the exact opposite. He was my best friend first. I think thats why things moved so fast with Kaleb and I. He asked me to marry him after we had been dating for 4 months. Crazy but so worth it. 

Our plans together are many. We have so many dreams for our ministry as a couple and even more for our son. Things we thought we wanted at the beginning we now see that we don't and vice versa. Our marriage, 1 year in, has been amazing. I know moments will come where we may feel like throwing in the towel but so far, those moments haven't come and even when they do I trust God. His hand is over our marriage, our home, and our hearts. There is no end to this because we have chosen love. We work at it on the days that it doesn't come so easy. I've learned so much from being a wife and I'm eager to learn more. Our life together has changed drastically in the last 2 weeks-we became parents. Our marriage is no longer just us. Our worry does not fall on each other alone. Our hearts have made room for Elijah and honestly, I love Kaleb more today than I thought possible. Our wedding day was bliss but I've found that being at home with our son, hanging out as a new family, has been even better. 

I love you more than words can describe. The day you became a father, I fell in love with you even more. Thank you for choosing me and teaching me more about my own heart. That kiss in that picture...I never grow tired of it. Your hand in mine still gives me butterflies. You constantly amaze me with how wise you are and how much you love others. I could say a million things here but I'll save myself more tears and just tell you that you make everything better. The hurt that creeps up on me every now and then, the constant fear that comes with having a mama heart, and the tenderness that comes from being a make it all better. I pray Elijah inherits so much more from you than just your good looks ;] I pray he gets your good heart as well. 
I love you. I love you. I love you. I can't say it enough.
I love you. 

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