
Elijah: 2 months!

10:16 AM

My baby's 2 month update-

-He is 12 lbs even (50th percentile) and 23 in long (60th percentile)
-He still sleeps in a swing but naps in his infant rocker
-He still eats every 2-3 hours like the piglet he is
-He smiles constantly and is learning how to laugh 
-He coo's and gurgles when he's rested and has a full tummy
-He's recognizing faces more which means he gets really excited when I pick him up after a nap and when daddy comes home from work
-He loves his play mat still and is working on batting at objects that hang in front of him
-He has not slept through the night yet BUT he sleeps a 4-5 hr stretch after he is first laid down and then wakes every 2-3 hours to eat
-He is in size 3m but is quickly growing and moving on to the next size which is still baggy on him
-He has developed his own routine that he is currently teaching mama and daddy about it

Elijah is seriously the best baby ever! I'm sure most parents say that so that sentence really shouldn't come as a shock to anyone. He has taken a few road trips now and has not fussed once. This last one we took to Kerrville he actually slept the entire way back to San Angelo. It was wonderful! This weekend both families will be up for his dedication which will happen at church on Sunday morning. I can't wait!!! Of course I have his outfit all picked out and ready to go as well as lunch planned at Zero One Ale house afterwards for our families. Kaleb is working hard as usual for us. He is such a good provider and spends every free minute he has with Elijah. Their bond is unique I can already tell but there is definitely something to be said about the bond between and a mother and son. It's different from what I expected but then again maybe that's just the bond between a mama and her baby. Most days I find myself staring at him and thanking God for his life. I'm so in love with this sweet boy it's insane! He is already doing so much better with sleeping. I don't have to constantly hold him anymore. He sleeps independently and will sit in his rocker while I do the dishes or get ready for the day. It's crazy how much he grows each and every day. This guy is our pride and joy!


The lie of inadequacy

2:21 PM

I never used that word so much until this last week. I haven't actually said it out loud but in my head this word reigns lately.


Last Thursday was a special night. A group of women from my church gathered at a friend's house and had a sweet get together with our OBGYN. Yes, we all have the same one. She comes highly recommended in our church. Of the 7 of us Dr. Coronado has delivered 5 of our babies, will hopefully deliver 1 on the way, and has been an amazing inspiration to our girl who is trying to get pregnant. All in all she's amazing and we all love her dearly. I mean really...who hangs out with their OBGYN? We do! Listening to the women around me speak brought that word to my mind.

"I am inadequate. I can't compare with these women. I can't do motherhood as beautifully as they do. I don't measure up."

I'm the youngest of these women. I've been married the shortest amount of time. I'm the newest mama. All of these things make me inexperienced in most ways. After Dr. Coronado left we stayed and chatted. It was nice and it was needed. They talked with me about a lot of the changes and new struggles within the Hargrove home. I cried, they listened, and they offered wisdom. The more we chatted the more that word started to fade. It's not that I don't measure up, it's that I'm learning. I'm walking along this newly paved path holding my husbands hand and carrying our baby and Jesus...He walks in front of us. These women are a gift to me. They have taught me so much in these last 2 months of being a mom then I could have ever asked for.

Satan is truly the father of lies and he tries to speak this lie specifically to me all the time but I am enough. I am adequate. I'm doing a great job. He can never take away from who God says I am. He says I am a mom and there is power in that role. True, discipling, loving power. I love my family, my mama's, and more importantly my King. What a sweet King He is and what an amazing life He has blessed me with. I'm beyond grateful.

Chi Alpha

Bittersweet symphony

9:07 AM

Today I attend life group for the first time in two years instead of leading one.


I am so excited though because my BEST FRIEND is leading the life group I will be attending. For the last 2 years she was in my life group, loving Jesus, loving my girls, and she was always longing. Longing to share and learn. I remember a specific moment on my couch at 3 am when she opened up her life to me. She let me in to a part of her heart that not many people got to see. She was embarrassed and scared of sharing her secrets with me but little did she know at that time thats exactly what a life group leader longs for. Those early morning/late night conversations where one of their girls/guys opens up a part of their heart to you, showing you how much they trust you. Whitney, my best friend, gets to learn that this year. She will get many moments like the one she shared with me. I'm excited to watch her grow her life group girls like she watched me do for the last 2 years.

I'm passing the Paton when I thought I would be running the race next to her. I had planned during my whole pregnancy to still be leading a life group but as any mama knows nothing goes according to plan. I've had to adjust many plans and then go with the flow. It's...tough. BUT I'm still discipling a few of my sweet girls as well as my precious baby boy. My life is good, folks. So good! It's hectic and crazy but it's wonderful. The one thing that will make it that much better is being in Whitney's life group, sharing life with her girls. I can't wait for tonight! I've got a bottle pumped and ready to go so Kaleb can be with Elijah while I have some much needed girl time.

I've covered tonight in prayer, believing God for good things to come and for her girls to all be specifically placed in her life group. Now, I get to watch her go!


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