Hargrove summer bucket list

12:04 PM

There are so many cool things to do in Fort Worth especially in the summer. Last year at this time we had just moved so we were getting to know the town and figure out some cheap/free family things to do. There weren't many options mainly because Elijah was just one. He turns two next month and it's crazy what a difference a year makes. We have so many more options that have opened up for us to do as a family this summer. Stuff we know he will enjoy as well as activities that we can do as a family but will be more fun than stressful (can I get an amen, toddler parents?). I've tried to provide as many links as possible so if you're in this area you can try them out as well! If you'll notice there is a small trend with most of them. Hint: It's going to be hot in Texas, y'all.

I'm sure as summer goes on I'll figure out some more to add but for now I think this seems pretty full. I highly doubt we will conquer this whole list but on the Kaleb's days off and the time we all have together it's nice to have a list so we can go back and remember. It's going to be a good summer, folks!

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