Write 31 Days: Epic Fail

2:40 PM

I am not even ashamed to say that I failed the Write 31 Days challenge. I knew I probably wouldn't make it very far but I am a little bummed that I didn't make it at least two weeks through. Alas, when you're not in your own home it is definitely hard to blog as often as you'd like. No matter, I'll try again next year. For now we are still looking for an apartment and staying at my mom's house. We leave tomorrow evening to go stay at a friend's apartment while they're gone for the next two weeks. We wouldn't leave my mom's if it wasn't so far from Kaleb's job. He's been driving an hour and a half each way to work everyday and by staying at our friend's place he can cut that down to just 45 minutes. Still not ideal but better than what he's doing right now. I pray we won't have to come back to my mom's at the end of the month but that we will end up finding a place and moving before that has to happen. Join with me in prayer, pretty please? Thanks a ton, friends!

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