
5:31 AM

FMF is back! I'm kind of in love with it now. So be prepared for more of these posts. To learn more about it or even join in go check out Lisa Jo Baker. Actually, you should go check her out anyway because her blog is purely amazing. Ok, ok. So here we go-


I would have put a picture here of what my rest is but I can't seem to find one. Maybe that's because my rest comes from a lot of different things at different seasons in my life. My rest now probably won't come until Elijah is finally  here. Yesterday, my OB told me I have to have some more tests done. I should feel relieved in a way. she's fighting for Elijah and I. Trying to figure out where all of my pain is coming from but at the same time I am frustrated. I am restless. I long for rest and at times it almost feels like it is at my fingertips but I can't seem to rest until we figure this out and until he is here and in my arms. That's my rest. A rest i've never known because he will be my first born. I hate that people keep telling me how much I won't sleep when he gets here. Can I just tell you how ok with that I am? I am so ok with losing sleep over him. Rest, i long for you to come wash over me. But am also ok if you don't. How can i truly rest with all of this sweet kicking going on that I just want to soak in for hours on end? Thank you Jesus for my sweet gift floating around inside of me right now. Different pieces of rest come in waves for me. So I'll just wait for the next one to hit and flood my soul.


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  1. That is beautiful! Hi. I'm here from FMF. I totally understand that restlessness that comes with just wanting that child to get here already! ;) Praying for peace and rest for you during the remaining time of your pregnancy.

  2. There is nothing that compares to the feeling of having your baby move around inside of you. I also remember well the restless I waited for my babes to be put into my arms. Your words brought back those precious, long-ago memories! :)

    Blessings to you and your precious child!


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