I'm a mom. A new one. A wreck of a new one.
Is that ok to say? Not necessarily out loud but out loud via social media, is that ok to say?
I'm all over the place with tears and anxiety and complete fear of the unknown but this is where I go, like always, to write it out. To look back and look ahead all at the same time with my son, my first born, my sweet baby.
Right now, he's sitting next to me on the couch, propped up by his boppy, and covered in a sweet swaddle blanket. His eyes fluttered open when I turned on Bon Iver and started singing with it. He knows me. He knows my voice and my heartbeat and my breathing but me? I'm still learning who he is. I've grown in these last 9 days to understand more and more of who Elijah is.
Today, I gave him up to the Lord. An act I'm sure I will do over and over again but today at 9 days old, I gave him to Jesus. I relinquished control of the unknown and thanked Jesus for considering Kaleb and I as the perfect parents for him. I use the word perfect loosely as I know we are far from that but God some how considered us just that. His perfect match. No other mom can give Elijah what I can and no other dad can do for Elijah what Kaleb can.
Elijah Fisher Hargrove, you are perfect to me. I love watching your chest fall and rise as you breathe. I love the way your top lip curves way up and your bottom one sinks in so beautifully. You have a dimple on your chin that I could kiss over and over again. Your eyes, I die! They are so amazing and I get lost in them when you stare at me. Your hair reminds me of your daddy. You look just like him in my opinion and I wouldn't have it any other way. Staring at you makes me miss your dad when he's gone. 6-8 hours at a time really isn't a big deal but I do miss him. I miss him and love him more now that he's your dad and I love you even more for being his son. You complete our family. We were never whole until you came along.
I don't know how I ever lived before you. Did I stroll through life carelessly? Did I ever pray this much? Was my faith in God ever this strong or did you send me deeper into it? I'll never know because my life truly began when you came into this world. You are everything.
Because I'm already starting to forget some of the details I figured now was a good time to hash out Elijah's birth story here. I say hash out because I still can't believe what actually happened in Labor and Delivery room number 3 that night/morning.
Thursday July 11, 2013 4:30pm
Kaleb and I went to our last appointment with Dr. Coronado (my OBGYN). It was our last because she was leaving the next day to go on vacation with her family. I had asked earlier that week to be induced so that she could deliver Elijah. I know how crazy selfish that sounds but I absolutely adore my doctor and to be with her for 9 months and not have her deliver him made me heartbroken. However, she had called me Wednesday and told me she could not induce me because my cervix was closed at the last appointment. Inducing a closed cervix can end in C section which is not what either of us wanted for Elijah or myself. I wanted a natural vaginal delivery and she wanted that for me as well. We left the matter at that. I hung up the phone satisfied that this must be in God's plan so I didn't question it. At our appointment the next day my blood pressure was really high and they found protein in my urine. These are both signs of Preeclampsia. With my due date being 2 days away she told me she didn't want to let me sit for a week with high blood pressure anyway because it could be dangerous for Elijah and I so it was time to be induced. How weird, I thought. I had wanted to be induced and now I was going to be but not at all the way I wanted it. I immediately began to cry as Coronado tried to explained that we were going downstairs to Labor and Delivery. She asked if she could pray over us (this is why I love her, folks). She prayed for no C section, a natural vaginal delivery (because that's what I wanted), and that we could all be together for this experience since her plane left for Florida the next morning.
-5:00 pm
I was given Cytotec to help soften my cervix which was still closed. 4 hours later I was checked to see if I made progress and I was still closed. Coronado came in and forced my cervix open which was still barely a 1 and then broke my water. I thought things would begin to progress on their own after that since that was what I had always heard from other mama's who got their water broken. Between 5pm and 9pm sweet friends came to pray over us and others flooded our phones with text messages saying they were praying as well. I can't tell you how many people were praying for us that night. God moves especially when 2 or more are gathered in His name. This became so much more evident during my labor.
I was given more Cytotec to see if it would dilate me more and I was told that they would start me on Pitocin at 2 am. I was getting nauseous so I was given Phenergan to help ease it which also made me sleepy so I figured I could take the next 4 hours and pass out before everything got intense but I could only fall asleep between contractions which were probably a minute a part, maybe more. That's when things began to blur together.
July 12, 2013 2am
I was given pitocin and told they would increase it every 20 minutes. I was checked first and was at a 2. I lost all hope of making it without medicine at this point because I knew how bad contractions were going to get. Kaleb called Evelyn (our doula) and told her to come at 2 am because I was going to need her help to work through contractions. Well needless to say things got intense faster than what I was prepared for. I kept feeling so much pressure in my pelvis and every time I was checked the nurse kept telling me how low Elijah's head was. Coronado had even mentioned things going really fast once I did start to dilate because of how low his head was. This was encouraging and confusing all at the same time. I couldn't understand why my cervix wasn't opening if his head was as low as everyone kept saying. Contractions almost immediately began to get stronger. I tried bouncing on the birthing ball right before the Pitocin was given but with his head being so low it just caused more pain instead of eased it. I climbed back into bed just in time for everything to hurt. About 10 minutes after Pitocin started I threw up over the side of the bed. I remember opening my eyes long enough to see that it was green. I kept wondering why my throw up would be green. I closed my eyes as the nurse gave me more Phenergan to ease my stomach. It finally started working just as contractions grew. I had to stay on my side because of my high blood pressure. I didn't want to stay in the bed. My birth plan was to labor in the tub and to get up and move but I could barely open my eyes. That's what I remember the most about labor-my eyes staying closed majority of the time. I tried desperately to open them so I could see Kaleb's face. I always felt better when our eyes met. He pulled up a chair next to the bed and just watched me labor. He tried to touch me, offering me comfort through his strong hand but I couldn't handle it. Nothing made me feel better and everything made it worse. I wanted so badly to tell him how much I loved him for trying to help but I couldn't vocalize anything at this point. The only thing I could communicate was when I needed more ice chips and even then I could only touch my mouth and then point to the cup. He knew. And I loved him for that. I moaned and yelled through contractions. I tried hard to focus on my breathing like I researched so much about but the harder I tried the more it hurt. I remember hearing Evelyn tell me to do whatever my body wanted. That felt great to hear. All pressure was off to keep my cool and I gave in, I gave in hard. My body wanted to claw at everything with each contraction. I clawed at my own hands, my pillow, the bed railing, and even my hair. I didn't expect this at all.
-4:20am ish
I was checked again and had only made it to a 4. This was more than discouraging. Looking back after it all I know now when I was in transition and this was that point. I couldn't stop screaming with each contraction. I felt bad for the people in the Labor and Delivery wing. I tried to control myself and just go back to yelling but screaming was all that was coming out of my mouth. The coolest moment was hearing these lyrics as another awful contraction hit-"There will be an end to these trouble but until that day comes, still I will praise You." Out of all of the songs that passed through the Pandora playlist on my Jesus Culture station these were the only words I heard. I praised God in my heart and braced myself for another one. I heard Kaleb tell Evelyn that he didn't know how she could do this all the time-watch people go through this much pain. I wasn't sure what her response was but I thought the same thing for Kaleb. I didn't know how he had made it that far without completely breaking. If it were me I wouldn't be able to watch him writhe in pain the way I was. Suddenly, everything changed.
-4:45am ish
I was done. I was giving in and getting the epidural. The anesthesiologist had been woken up and made it up to the hospital right when I felt the pressure get worse. During the last contraction before I pushed I had screamed so hard that it felt like Elijah had moved even more down. It was a really weird feeling but that was when the pressure increased beyond what it had been the whole time. I told the nurse I couldn't sit still for the epidural. She was telling me I had to and I told her there was too much pressure. She checked me and said I was at a 10. I went from a 4 to a 10 in about 30 minutes. It was Jesus. I was on the verge of giving in and He moved quickly. I love that about the Lord. He knew my desire was to deliver my baby naturally. I had prayed over the last 9 months for it, others had prayed for me, and it was happening. The nurse who had been such a sweetheart and so silly the whole time turned serious and I knew it was time. She looked me in the eye and asked me if I wanted to push without the epidural. I didn't hesitate. As I said yes to pushing I flipped on my back and jammed one leg into the nurses side and the other leg was being held by Evelyn. I strained to hear Kaleb's voice, trying desperately to hear where he was. Right when I started pushing I heard Evelyn or the nurse (I can't remember which one) tell Kaleb to sit down or to go outside. I knew he must be having a hard time. I just wanted him to be the one holding my leg. I wanted to open my eyes and see him but couldn't. After about 20 minutes of pushing someone asked me if I wanted to touch my baby's head. I kept thinking that it was impossible for him to be that close to being out. I reached down and touched his head and couldn't believe how squishy it was. That gave me the boost I needed to finish the race. A couple of more pushes and he was on my stomach. This perfect, purple, crying bundle of love was finally in my arms. I touched his hand as nurses ran around getting things for him and Evelyn rubbed some of the vernex and other fun stuff off him. I couldn't cry. I just kept taking in breaths and saying "my baby, my baby." I think I was still in shock that it was all finally over and this sweet little guy who had grown in me for 9 months was finally in my arms. Kaleb cut the cord like a champ!
Elijah's birth was a mixture of what I wanted and didn't want but overall it was perfect and I'm so happy that I did it without medication. It makes everything else in my life feel different. Right now, breastfeeding seems to be much harder than I expected but I just keep reminding myself that if I didn't give up during his birth then I can't give up with feeding him the best way there is. New parent life is an adventure but I have the best man to share in this journey with. He wasn't very present for the actual delivery because of how sick he got watching me BUT he has been amazing when it comes to me breastfeeding Elijah. He helps me calm down when I get frustrated and encourages me by staying with me and talking to me when Elijah does feed. I have an amazing husband, a precious son, and a MIGHTY God.
This is not as fun to write as Elijah's actual birth story will be (ha) but if I don't write it out then it will just sit in yesterday and I will be frustrated.
7:30 am
Kaleb finally rolled over and opened his eyes, meeting mine, and immediately asked whats wrong. I told him I was having headaches and nausea and my back was killing me. We both had no idea what to think other then labor. It's our first baby, people. We literally have no idea how this guy is going to decide to make his arrival into the world. Kaleb had to be at work at 9 am so I was going back and forth deciding whether or not to get him to call in or not. Thankfully, we didn't have to make that decision. Kaleb called his boss and she immediately asked what was going on with me. He filled her in and she said he should stay with me (i could just kiss that lady). We went back to sleep just in case contractions would follow soon and decided when we woke up we would go walk around the mall to see if that sparked anything.
We got up, dressed, and headed to the mall. Walked the whole thing, bought Kaleb a hat from Marshall's to semi-match one we got for Elijah, and then went to eat lunch at Chick-Fil-A. I got a salad since my nausea was still there and I had been making multiple trips to the bathroom. I ate the fruit out of my salad and then I was in pain. I made Kaleb take me home before we went up to the hospital to visit Sarah and baby Joseph again. I used the restroom for the 7th time within the last 24 hours. Pre labor is glorious, isn't it? Kaleb and I chatted about how this could be baby day. All the signs pointed to yes. His boss telling him to stay home with me was a huge deal. We took that as a major sign and ran with it.
2:30 PM
After visiting Sarah and baby Joseph we came right back home and laid down. We were trying to take advantage of any down time considering I could go into labor that night. Kaleb put a movie on via our laptop and I rolled away, falling asleep immediately. I maybe watched 10 minutes of that movie. I was in so much pain at that point that I knew I had to text some friends and ask for prayers. I know the power of prayer and I need some extra grace from Jesus. Texting back and forth with another mama friend she was giving me tips to relieve what could be back labor. I tried them all and nothing was working. The waves of intensity were coming in my lower back but trying to time them was pointless. It was all under 10 minutes so I knew that didn't mean much.
6:00 PM
Kaleb being the amazing man he is moved our TV and Xbox into our room so I didn't have to leave the bed. As if I really could anyway. He put on our John Mayer DVD and I tried to focus on the music since that's my plan for natural labor-breathing, focusing on music to get past the pain. I'm not sure how it will work with contractions but with back labor it was no use. It worked until another wave of intensity would hit my lower back and I felt like I was going to lose it. I had been texting my doula, keeping her posted. I finally asked her if I should just go to the hospital. Waiting on a reply, Kaleb and I got in the shower. I leaned on him and let the hot water hit my lower back. I finally felt like I couldn't stand anymore so I laid down in the tub of warm water for a few minutes until I just felt restless. Nothing seemed to be working. Got out and I immediately laid back down. I drifted off to sleep again without even realizing it. Kaleb came in to check on me and told me it worried him how much I was sleeping. It was worrying me a little bit too but I told him it was fine.
8:00 PM
We called labor and delivery and told them what was going on. The nurse suggested we come in to be checked mostly because she couldn't tell over the phone whether I was in labor or not. As we were getting our things together my doula called (I felt so relieved). She said the same thing as the nurse. There was no way of telling unless I came in and got checked but sadly she was leaving for the night. Poor thing had been at the hospital since 6:45 am. I completely understood.
8:40 PM
We arrived at the hospital and got settled into our room. The nurse hooked me up to the blood pressure machine and hooked up the baby to monitor his heart rate and my contractions. When she checked me at 9 pm my cervix was still closed but that Elijah's head is super low and that's probably where all of the lower back pain is coming from. Policy is to keep you there for at least an hour to see if you make change. If you're in true labor, you'll make change. We turned on the TV and chilled out for the next hour. I texted some mama friends, my sister, and my mom. Kaleb texted his mom who by the way had been worrying all day about me being dehydrated even though I was drinking bottles upon bottles of water all through out the day.
10:00 PM
I asked to be checked again mostly because I had to get away from those monitors so I could pee. The nurse checked me and said I was still closed but that my contractions were 2-5 minutes a part and that my doctor wanted to keep me another hour and see if I made change. She gave me the wonderful little jar to pee in so she could check my urine for protein and what not.
10:30 PM
The nurse came back in and told me my urine showed that I was EXTREMELY dehydrated. She gave me a huge glass of water and told me she needed me to finish it so she could fill it back up and give me more. My mother in law was right. And if you don't already know-contractions, or cramping of any kind can occur when you're dehydrated. The nurse told me the highest it can be is 4+ and my level of dehydration was 3+. How scary. Kaleb and I were shocked because I had been drinking water all day but she told me it must not have been enough.
11:00 PM
The nurse checked me one more time and I was still closed so she discharged me and gave me a list of reasons to come back in. Stuff I had heard before a million times. I wasn't super mad at that point because of how tired I felt. I wasn't sure my body would have been up to delivering a baby that night.
After finishing all the water I could and eating a sandwich we finally called it a night after an emotionally draining day. I woke up immediately an hour later with my shirt soaked in sweat. My hair was full of it, too. Other than being hot I actually felt fine so I ruled that out as having to do with all the water I had just drank or something. I continued to wake up like that through the rest of the night but still didn't noticed any more pain which I am so thankful for. God's mercies are made new each morning. There is a dull ache in my back but NOTHING compared to what it was all yesterday. I am a little sad to be waking up with Elijah still in my tummy but I'm so glad we went to the hospital or else I would have never known how badly I was dehydrated.
When E does finally decide to make his appearance I hope he does so in a normal way. Contractions or my water breaking. None of this back labor stuff, PLEASE! That was pretty awful. I am so very ready for him but all babies come out. No matter what, he won't stay in there much longer. My due date comes next weekend, folks. Be in prayer.