Chi Alpha

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1:33 PM


More importantly-Chi Alpha

MORE importantly-Jesus!

I love this team, I love this ministry, and I love my Jesus!

Fall semester starts next week. Dorm move in's are Friday and then the following Monday classes start. But even better than that-Chi Alpha kicks off! As our pastor Heath said-"The first 2 weeks back are crucial. It's harvest time." Truer words could not have been spoken. I always get so excited at the beginning of the school year and I'm not even in school anymore. I love watching everyone set up their dorm's as we help them move in. I love the fajita dinner where we meet all of the freshmen. I love the organizational fairs where we tell all of the students about XA. I love the huge game of Capture the Flag that we play the first week back. I just love this time. Sadly, I will only be able to do half as much as I usually do because I have to take care of Elijah. No biggie. He's my favorite person to spend time with!

This last week we were at leadership retreat. Goodness, I needed it SO. BAD. I had only a few minutes of actual alone time but even in those few minutes God spoke. I love how He does that for mom's. Leadership is going to be hard this year with Elijah. I realized that even more at retreat but my sweet friend said it best when she told me it's important to bring your baby into your ministry. You're allowing people to see what a Christian family looks like. I love that! There was an amazing moment the first night. Our old pastor, Landon, came and spoke. At the end of his lesson he had a Holy Spirit moment where he invited people to renew their love language with the Lord and just to pray/get prayed over. As beautiful tongues were lifted to heaven by my fellow leaders Elijah and I peaked through the door to watch. Elijah stared. He stared and listened to this language he didn't know being spoken by people he's getting to know. It was beautiful and of course I cried. Part of the tears were because I wanted desperately to be out there. I wanted someone to pray over me. I need prayer. But part of the tears were from watching Elijah's face. I can see him serving in a Chi Alpha at a university. I can see him being discipled and learning to disciple others.

I love this. I love this. I love this.

I love bringing him to our ministry but most importantly I love ministering to him. He has a strong calling on his life. I can just feel it and I hope that Kaleb and I can help cultivate that calling in any way God allows.

Being a mom is amazing.


Elijah: 1 month!

7:02 PM

Elijah will be one whole month tomorrow! This post definitely requires some bullets.

  • He is 8lbs 14 oz and 21 inches long
  • He sleeps 2-3 hours a night before waking up to eat but then he goes right back to sleep
  • He only sleeps in a swing that a sweet friend let us borrow
  • If he's not in the swing, he sleeps on Kaleb's arm. Not a fan of his cradle
  • He lifts his head off daddy's chest when they're laying down together
  • He LOVES his play mat but won't stay on it for more than 20 minutes
  • A few of his nb onesies are already too tight on him
  • He's eating like a champ but still has his off days where he won't latch right away
  • He spit's up a ton so bibs are his newest accessory
  • He loves to sleep in his carseat and usually stays passed out while we run errands
  • He likes being held by different people and looks at people as they talk to him
  • He is a huge fan of bath time
  • He likes to grip my finger and rub my skin while I'm holding him
  • He is going on his first road trip with mama and daddy to HEB camp this week

This first month has been difficultly wonderful. Some of the sweetest moments I've had with my son have been when Kaleb and I wake up with him in the morning, pull him into bed with us, and just watch him. We stare at him as he stares at us and we laugh at his different facial expressions. It's simply beautiful. Currently, Elijah seems to be in a 4th trimester stage. He constantly wants to be held which is awesome but hard at the same time. I haven't been wearing him as much as I want to because I'm beginning to not be a huge fan of my Moby wrap. I'm working on upgrading to a sling or Beco.

Personally, becoming a mom makes me feel distanced from some of my friends but closer to others. In all fairness I was warned that this would happen. It's a balancing act in my opinion. Trying to balance life pre Elijah with life post Elijah. Things that were so simple before have become harder than I had anticipated. Going to church, for example, has become a toss up with each Monday, Wednesday, and Sunday. I usually end up in the nursing mother's room feeding and rocking Elijah but on a rare occasion he passes out in his carseat for the entire time. I know this stage will pass and one day I will be able to sit and listen to the sermons again.

He is truly a fun baby. He is already so full of life and has a hilarious personality. I love, love, LOVE him and can't get over how handsome he is. People constantly stop us when we're out and about and tell us how perfect he is. I definitely feel like a proud mama 24/7. And Kaleb is the world's best dad! He is such a great help to me when he's home. Working for 7 hours and then coming home to love on his baby and wifey is how he spends his days. I told him in my vows at our wedding that he is my calm and that has become even more true now. He keeps me calm on the hard days and I love him so much for that. Elijah is our joy! God has blessed us immensely with this guy.

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