Abigail:2 months
1:40 PMShe's two months, yall! Two. Freaking. Months. Lets get on with these bullets, shall we?
- 10lbs 10oz
- 22.5 in
- Still nursing every 2-3 hours during the day and doing mostly glorious 4 hour stretches at night
- Rolls tummy to back but only if she's in a disposable diaper (cloth is too bulky)
- Holds her head up like a pro
- Coos/baby chats all the time
- Still sleeps the best when she's swaddled but fights the initial swaddling process
- Loves her play mat and tries to bat at the toys hanging from it
- Likes her car seat a little more now
- Size 1 diapers when she's in disposables but she's usually in cloth diapers now
- 0-3m/3m clothes
- Mimics us when we stick our tongue out at her or make the O shape with our lips
- Smirks but doesn't full on smile yet
- Co sleeps with me and Kaleb still
- She takes forever to initially fall asleep at night but then wakes up to nurse and goes back to sleep easily. No middle of the night parties for this girl
- Still completely in love with her swing