Abigail:8 months
8:12 AMEight. Months. Old.
- Still only has 2 teeth on bottom but has 2 more trying to break through
- Crawls
- Tries to pull herself up (has succeeded a few times) but she is mostly wobbly right now
- Sits herself up and has great balance there now
- New foods she has tried-Corn, chicken, black beans, eggs, cheese, nectarines, mashed cauliflower
- Foods she has actually enjoyed-Nectarines and eggs
- Yells all day long
- Favorite word is Bubba
- Laughing more
- Nursing still allllll day
- Wakes 3 times at night usually to nurse, has at least 1 four hour stretch of sleep
- Seeing her chiropractor every other week now
- Size 9m-12m clothes
- Sticks her tongue out when she smiles
This month marks her first round of "holidays" even though Halloween isn't really a holiday I guess. Still so fun and can't wait to see her in her ladybug costume! Abigail's aunt sissy just got engaged so in a few months she will also be a flower girl! So many fun things happening over these next 6 months. Since she's already pulling up I thought I would bring out her walker soon but I just can't bring myself to do it. I don't want her to take her first steps yet. My heart wouldn't be able to handle it. She's getting so close to a year old that it almost hurts. I can't believe how quickly everything is moving lately-her development, age, milestones. It's all coming on so fast and I'm just begging time to slow down even for a moment.