Abigail:10 months
1:39 PMHoly moly. We're in the double digits people. Baby girl is 10 months old and growing SO fast. At 10 months old:
- Wearing mostly 12m clothes
- Claps
- Waves
- Still only says mama, dada, and bubba but has been trying to say bye bye and milk lately
- Laughs so much and even has a fake laugh now
- Cruises either while holding onto something or pushing her walker
- Loves to "dance" (Bounce up and down or move her head back and forth)
- Still co sleeping
- Taking 2 naps a day
- Wakes twice during the night to nurse
- Eating lots of new foods
- Signs more, all done, and milk
- 7 teeth total (Following in her brother's footsteps, he had 8 by this age)
- Loves to talk and yell
- Tries to be brave and stand on her own but usually falls on her cloth diapered booty