
Sweet freedom

8:44 AM

I feel like there are many topics I can't blog about and by can't I mean won't. Without any specifics I'm just talking about topics that pertain to things I haven't personally experienced or even things that I have experienced but feel like I haven't walked out long enough to really share anything on it. But when it comes to the topic of shame and freedom in Christ, it's something I know well. Curled up on my friends couch the other day I made this statement:

"I carry a lot of shame still when it comes to my past."

She then proceeded to ask why I thought that might be and my only answer was I don't know. I really don't. I can't think of a good excuse or reason for why my past continually shames me when I've been walking with the Lord for 5 years now. I've walked with freedom in some areas and in others I've just shut down, not willing to let God take that area of my heart and use it for good or mold it or even just heal it. Instead I walk, 5 years later, with deep shame from who I use to be. Being a wife and a mother have helped a lot of course with my growth in this area but overall it's something I have to let the Lord in on or else it will never be fixed. When I take a step toward Him I always end up taking 2 steps back in fear that I can't go deeper with Him because of who I was. 

At church yesterday (I LOVE our new church by the way) the sermon was about finishing the rest of the year strong. Apparently yesterday was the 26th Sunday of the year, the half way marker. The pastor talked about all the goals we had set for ourselves back in January. Losing weight, dealing with addictions, going deeper with God, etc and the whole message was a huge encouragement on finishing the race. Almost 6 months ago I wrote this post all about how I just wanted to walk out into unchartered waters and grow. While my reading and prayer life have grown since then I still feel like I'm standing in the shallow end of life just watching everyone else.

I want to walk in the spirit more. Not just read and pray and know Him more but live out life radically and that starts with remembering that I was saved 5 years ago. There is no more shame. Flaws defined me but Jesus saved me. He didn't willingly go to the cross for my shame to weigh me down and keep me from God. He went willingly to the cross so that I can walk in freedom and boldly approach the throne. What a sweet revelation. One I've always known but sometimes need to be reminded of when I feel God pulling me into deeper waters.

"For the sake of your name, O Lord, forgive my iniquity, though it is great. Who, then, is the man that fears the Lord? He will instruct him in the way chosen for him. He will spend his days in prosperity."
Psalm 25:11-13


His first Father's Day

9:35 PM

To this guy, the man I gave my forever to, I must say that nothing he does goes unnoticed. The hard work he puts in to provide for Elijah and I, the things he does at home long after he's clocked out, and the amount of time and love he never seems to run out of for our son. None of it has gone unnoticed, I see him, my sweet husband. I see him.

When Elijah was out and finally placed on my chest I looked and saw the tears coming from his eyes. I saw the pride and joy he felt in that moment and it's never been the same since. I'm so unbelievably sorry his own father isn't here to celebrate with him but I know he is immensely proud of the dad he is. 

I have watched many other dads reluctantly take care of their children but not Kaleb. I have seen him spring at the chance to get some alone time with Elijah. He has held that crying, screaming, perfectly swaddled thing for hours when we were at a loss for how to soothe him. He has sat next to me in bed feeding me lunch and giving me water to drink as I nursed our newborn son for an hour. He has swept and mopped floors after our boy is snug in bed when I know all he really wanted to do was relax and play video games. He has shared his heart with me when it comes to having a big family. He wants 3 more and my heart leaps at how joyous he is over the future of our children.

He attended every appointment when I was pregnant and every class when were getting ready for Elijah's birth. He's never missed an appointment with our pediatrician and has left work to come take our sweet boy to the ER. He is the epitome of an amazing father. His heart beats for his God and his family. I have watched this man sacrifice a lot to get us where we're at and I am convinced that God picked the best man to marry me and father our children. A man who sits on the kitchen floor and feeds our naked baby watermelon. A man who up until last week would get up and bring that baby to me when he would wake in the middle of the night. Who has told me countless times to take a bubble bath to relax after he got done with a long shift at work.

Thank you, Kaleb. Thank you so much for rising up and being the father God has called you to be. Elijah and I are blessed beyond measure to have you as the leader of our home. The way our son cries when you leave the house and giggles when you come home isn't because he's a baby it's because he loves you so much! Hearing you two laugh together is my favorite sound. Watching you two play together is a moment I could never get sick of. You are my favorite baby daddy! Happy Father's Day, my love. 


Elijah: 11 months!

9:32 AM

The countdown is officially on. 30 days until my boy turns 1! I will be soaking in many nursing sessions, tickle fights, and cuddles since they are all few and far between. Well, maybe not the tickle fights. At 11 months-

  • 23 lbs
  • 27 inches
  • Sleeping through the night (FINALLY!)
  • Can take a total of 9 steps though he did walk across the living room last night
  • Still breastfed but usually every 4-5 hours and not at all during the night
  • Eating 3 solid meals and snacking in between
  • Recently discovered he likes playing in his pack n play
  • Has a new found love for water
  • Sticks his tongue out and back in 
  • Started getting a little sad when daddy leaves the house
  • Wearing 12m-18m clothes
  • Cloth diapered full time but in disposables over night
  • Will not wear shoes or hats
  • Loves hanging out in the pool
  • Completely off of his reflux medicine
  • Cries at really loud noises (dogs barking, lions roaring, etc)

He survived his first real move. 4 hours in a car with me and his nonna was pretty tiring I'm sure but he handled it well. A little fussy but we made it just fine. I think he's ready for the pool to be open already. He's a water baby for sure. I've had his first birthday "planned" since he was born. Pinterest truly is a glorious thing, friends. I've pinned many ideas and now that we're a month out I'm starting to actually get ready. We're having his birthday party in San Angelo with the people who were here during his first year but we're having a small thing with my family here in Fort Worth on his actual birthday that way they don't have to travel the following weekend for his party. He's also in his first wedding next weekend. I'm pretty excited! Can't wait to see our friends get married and, of course, see my handsome guy all decked out and formal. 

Oh, son. It's almost time. You'll be hitting toddler status sooner than I'd like to truly believe. 


San Angelo

11:37 AM

With a heavy heart

San Angelo

It's where I laid myself upon an altar and died only to rise a born again someone.
It's where my 2 years of college education began and ended but not indefinitely.
It's where a scrawny freshman slid his phone across the carpet and asked me for my number.
It's where God showed up and rescued me, pulling me from the muck and the mire and cleansing my soul.
It's where I danced in front of the mirror with Amy and shared 4 am conversations with Whitney.
Where I started working with babies and discovered a love for children I never knew I had.
Where I made many mistakes but learned to run to Jesus instead of from Him.
Where that scrawny freshman gave me my first flower on our first Valentines day together.
Where I finally got on stage and learned to deal with my fear.
Where someone thought I was worthy enough to lead others.
Where I became a part of a leadership team that became more than people; they became family.
Where that scrawny freshman cried on my shoulder and I cried too.
Where I found my mentor.
Where I found community.
Where I found a pastor who gave me food to eat and fed me the Word as well.
Where God told me I would clean up messes and I did.
Where He told me to step back and really look.
Where He told me to stay because the workers were few but the harvest was great.
Where I fell in love with that scrawny freshman and discovered he was the man I'd been praying for.
Where that scrawny freshman became not so scrawny and where we shared our first kiss.
Where my life finally made sense.
Where I wrestled with the Lord over and over when mending my brokeness.
Where He restored my heart and made me new.
Where that boy decided to make our first kiss, my last first kiss.
Where I discovered my fear of friendships and lost a lot of people.
Where I drove a few girls away who were counting on me.
Where I learned how to two step by a lake.
It's where I found modesty and purity to be the very thing God was asking of me.
It's where I got the phone call that my mamaw had passed away.
It's where Sarah dropped her homework and came to my dorm to pray over me.
It's where I found out I was pregnant and jumped off the couch to hug that man I married.
It's where I learned motherhood cannot be done alone.
It's where I finally opened up about my miscarriage.
It's where I first went to Hastings and fell in love with the book section.
Where I was 18 and Mari told me the Lord was writing my love story over 2 am messages on Facebook.
It's where I began blogging and where I discovered an online community who got me.
It's where I became addicted to coffee.
It's where I came back from my honeymoon and stopped being a fiancé and started being a wife.
It's where I helped Sabrina fight for breastfeeding.
Where I saw Maroon 5 and Fitz and The Tantrums in concert.
Where I stood by the bon fire and decided there was more.
Where I went to the lake at midnight with my XA friends and got moved by the Holy Spirit.
It's where I met the most amazing OB/GYN and cried with friends when we had to say good-bye.
It's where honoring one another became harder than I could imagine.
It's where I woke up each Sunday eager to go to church.
It's where I discovered my heart for young couples and new moms.

San Angelo...

It's an anointing oil spilling over me and the smell of a new dorm.
It's living on my own for the first time.
It's ratty furniture and hand-me-down dishes.
It's packages in the mail and tearful good byes.
It's phone calls to my family and Charlotte moving to live with me.
It's Charlotte moving back to Fort Worth after my wedding.
It's learning that being sick without your mom to take care of you sucks pretty hard.
It's no money to pay rent until a little owl card comes and a vase of flowers.
It's a grace laden friendship I can never let go of.
It's wisdom from wise counsel spilling over me time and time again.
It's tough conversations and lots of prayer.
It's learning to cook and bake.
It's countless baby and bridal showers.
It's weddings I danced at and several I cried at.
It's new relationships to discover.
It's delivering my first child.
It's a doula and lactation consultant who rocked my world.
It's postpartum tears shared in a dark living room with Sarah the day she showed me how to nurse.
It's discovering I can do all things through Christ. 
It's driving to Ashlee and Heath's house to share my broken heart.
It's a dimly lit hallway I walked down with my RA friend for nightly rounds.
It's midnight laundry washing at Texan Hall.
It's girl's night at Keely's place with prayer instead of gossip.
It's a night ride on the back of the motorcycle.
It's playing football in the snow and worship in the apartment.
It's Zero One Ale House and Armenta's.
It's getting close to The Ferguson's right before they moved away.
It's singing to raise money for missions.
It's hugging Kayla on the front pew and telling her I'm sorry.
It's too much ramen and so much free food.
It's parties at The Grove and learning what BC days are all about.
It's traveling from dorm to dorm with new friends.
It's my-face-in-the-carpet type prayers.
It's Mali, Jake, Ellie, Grayson, and Lylah being etched in my heart forever.
It's sharing life in married life group and realizing how much I need them.
It's late night conversations at the Kotze's while Elijah snoozes in the pack n play.
It's one movie theatre and a one story mall.
It's wishing Baker Street would come back.
It's DMB always coming through the speakers.
It's an inspiration of health from The Taylor's.
It's accountability I never asked for but desperately needed.
It's living in 4 apartments and 1 house over the span of 3 years.
It's the Holy Spirit falling every sunday morning at SAF.
It's praying at Starbucks during regroup.
It's 2 transitions of pastors whom I greatly love and respect.
It's worship that moved me to tears and sermons that grew me.
It's finally building a relationship with her only to let it fall between my fingers.
It's "click-click" and all of the memories that rush back.

It's San Angelo and no one can tell me any different.

Fort Worth, you have some pretty big shoes to fill.

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