Spring and ministry
9:46 AMThe spring semester arrived a lot sooner than I thought it would. Granted, I'm not in school but I am in ministry and I get really giddy when the spring comes. New faces, old ones coming back again, new relationships, graduations, etc. But most of all something beautiful happens this semester in my opinion. God does a new work and yet He still continues the one He started during the fall semester. I was recently presented with a decision to make. I don't necessarily have to make this decision now but I hate sitting on indecision. I need to know my next move months in advance. Trust me, It's something God is dealing with me on. Today I am 14 weeks pregnant. My second trimester is finally here!!! And in July a baby will enter our home. This baby will change everything so I have to make the decision if I want to be a life group leader again next year. My heart drops even writing that sentence. Chi Alpha is forever for my family. Kaleb will be a Chi Alpha pastor, our children will grow up in this ministry, and I will be his wife which means I have an important role to play though sometimes I have to cry to Jesus and remind myself of that truth. My pastor said something that rings so true in our hearts-Ministry doesn't stop when you have kids. Talk about knocking the wind out of me. Ministry will never stop for us which is honestly one of the best feelings to me. If there was an end to ministry for Kaleb and I my heart would be torn. Now, one thing is for sure-In making this decision I will not forget that my ministry comes first to my child. That's what makes this so hard I think. These girls have been my spiritual babies. I feel like mother hen with everything going on in their lives. I love them so very much. Words seriously can't describe how much I love my sweet life group.
I was texting Kaleb this morning about this and his words are so comforting. He's behind every decision I make. I'm going to be a stay at home mom and he not only supports that but encourages it. He doesn't want someone else watching our baby grow up any more than I do. He's also encouraging about me being a life group leader again this next year. Ultimately when asking the Lord for counsel He so sweetly said it's up to me. How beautiful is our God, friends?! To just allow us the free will of making our steps. I think this is God pushing me out of my comfort zone. I so rarely make decisions all by myself. I always seek out advice from my mentor, my friends, my husband, my pastor and while there is absolutely nothing wrong with that it's become a comfort zone for me. If I don't have their approval and thoughts on something I can't seem to move forward. It's a curse and a blessing I'm sure. I'm leaning toward being super woman next year. I'm sure there's no argument there. ;]