Elijah: 8 months!
12:32 PM8 months, y'all! I'll get straight to it-
- Haven't been to the doctor lately so I assume his heighth and weight are the same
- Eats everything except for eggs, honey, and sweets
- Favorite food: pasta
- Wearing 9m-12m clothes
- Yells "ba-ba-ba-ba" all day long
- Learning to say dada and mama but not quite there yet
- Crawls
- Sit's up by himself
- Reaches up but doesn't pull himself up yet
- Pushes up on everything
- Very mischevious
- Still cloth diapered part time but just a few dipes away from being full time
- Breastfeeds every 3-4 hours now
- Now has 7 teeth
- Still gets his Nexium (acid reflux medicine) every morning
- Down to 2 night feedings
Elijah just recently got over his first ear infection, a double ear infection at that. It was honestly hard to deal with for 2-3 days (partly because he was cutting 2 more teeth) and then he seemed like he never had anything wrong with him. Now I just hope it stays gone. No more sickie, please! He gets to attend his first birthday party this Friday! Our sweet friends youngest daughter is turning one! How fun! And since that will be the last time we travel for the next month or longer we will be starting CIO again that night. Praying we don't completely mess it up this time by going out of town or giving in to old habits. He went down to 2 night feedings all by himself so I think this transition will be a lot smoother than it was 2 months ago. Before we move to Fort Worth I want to have him completely sleeping in his crib for bed time and nap times WITHOUT crying.
Elijah is at such a fun age. He laughs at everything we say and loves for us to play with him. His favorite thing is when I lay on the floor and let him climb all over me like a jungle gym. We took him to the park yesterday and he finally fit in the swing. We took him when he was 6 months but he looked like he was going to fall out. He seemed to really enjoy it but I definitely need to buy him a cap to help keep the sun out of his eyes. It was 90 degrees here yesterday but of course today the high is 60. Ready for spring to finally spring into action. Elijah definitely needs to be outside more.
Oh yea….3 months till we move!!