
A few things 2014 taught me: A link-up with Chatting At The Sky

9:27 AM

So thankful that Emily P. Freeman decided to do another link-up that I actually read about it when it happened. I usually catch them a few days late and then forget about them. The last one I did was the letter to my 17 year old self. Wow. That one holds so much for me. So I'm catching this one before it disappears on me. A few things I learned in 2014.

1. I actually really love crafting
Up until Elijah was born I would tell people I couldn't craft and that's still true but I hated crafting then and now I kind of love it. I'm not good at it but I still like it. I can see how entire blogs and magazines are created solely to talk about crafts, give ideas, share tips, etc. There is something to be said about the feeling you get when you finish a craft and it actually turned out pretty good. I've only done a few things here and there since the new year began but I've cultivated a love for it so I know there is more to come in 2015.

2. I enjoy the healthy lifestyle
No. Seriously. At first this year just brought some change in our eating habits mostly because of our finances but now it's turned into something both Kaleb and I really enjoy. I love cooking. I mean LOVE it and even more than that I love cooking real wholesome food. I don't always do it because hello, I'm a human who loves a good cheeseburger and greasy fries too but I do it much more than I did before. A lot more really and since hubby loves it too then we are moving forward in 2015 with the better eating as well as becoming runners. Yep. You read that right. I want to become a runner. I've found this running plan on Pinterest that helps you go from barely even walking to running an entire 5K. It's a 10 week plan and I can't way to start! We'd like to ride bikes more than run but running is free of charge and requires no equipment so I'm excited to see what 2015 holds for our fitness since 2014 kickstarted a healthier lifestyle for the Hargroves.

3. Women friendships are weird
I'm sure I always knew this but it's become more apparent this year. I had one friend at the beginning of the year barely talk to me until it was almost time for us to move and now that I'm gone we talk all the time. Then there's the friends who are vice versa. They talked to me all the time when I lived in San Angelo and now we rarely talk since I've moved. It just happens like that I guess. Another friend of mine who doesn't live in San Angelo or Fort Worth has become a very, very close friend now. Even her husband and Kaleb are good friends and we're actually taking a trip to see them tomorrow! I asked her once why it took both of us moving to become better friends and she said "Because God knew I'd need a friend to text." It's true. It's weird but true. See. Women friendships are weird and that's ok. I'm striving to learn in 2015 that it's ok when friendships are weird, I need to stop taking it personally. 

4. I am a jealous person
Not within my marriage actually but with other things people have. Kaleb and I both do it and we recognize it. We get jealous of the people who have the beautiful house while we're still stuck in a town home and the people with the good car while ours still has no window in the back. It's a green eyed monster for sure and now that I've realized it's a problem I'm praying hard that God corrects me in this. 

5. I'm scary addicted to coffee
It's bad, y'all. It's to the point where we have ran out of K Cups and I ask Kaleb to run to the gas station to get me some coffee. Not a huge life altering thing but I realized that this past year. I need an intervention. 

6.Whe you become intentional, it becomes harder
The moment I decided to be more intentional in walking in the Spirit, everything got harder. I distinctly remember standing in church a few months ago and feeling the Spirit pull me towards this woman standing by herself. I was suppose to pray over her and give her a Word from the Lord but I couldn't move. I stood there, frozen. My heart was pounding out of my chest and I knew I had been praying for exactly this moment. Alas, the moment passed and I haven't seen her since. I decided shortly after we moved to Fort Worth that I wanted to break through the barriers of the everyday Christian and walk in the Spirit. The minute I was intentional with God and started praying for that it became hard. Not BECAUSE I was intentional but because it's simply not easy. I stepped out only to jump back. That doesn't mean you give up. It just means you push against the barrier that is standing in front of you. It's not going to fall down by itself, you have to push. And push I will. 

7. I have a really great marriage
This is not a bragging thing at all. We are just as guilty as the next married couple when it comes to saying things we don't mean or not apologizing first, etc. But in general Kaleb and I have realized how great our marriage truly is just by the simple fact that we made a decision to communicate better. We fail at it sometimes and other times we hit it right on the head but in general we have a fantastic marriage. He loves me well and I think I've become pretty good at respecting him. We do life together. We make decisions together. We parent together. We listen to each other. We yell a lot less. We talk it out a lot more. We hug each other when we're mad. Again, this is not bragging because we are far from perfect but we're really nailing this marriage thing. We're beating the odds and I think that's something to be very proud of. 

8. Toddler life is no joke
I didn't really consider Elijah a toddler until after his first birthday so it's only been these last 6 months that I've really learned this but toddler life is draining. The running around, the defiance and testing of boundaries, the constant struggle between teaching them and losing your patience. But boy do I love listening to him say a new word or start dancing the very second a song comes on. It's a struggle but it's a beautiful one. He's happy and healthy and on the days I fail at being a mom he's still happy and healthy and smart so it doesn't matter. I get to try again the next day and he is quick to forgive, that little sweetheart of mine. And just look at him, y'all. He's gorgeous. He's amazing. I love him. 

9. I am a writer
This has literally taken me all year to say out loud. I am a writer. I am not a published author or a speaker or even a professional blogger but I am a writer. It's real. It's who I am. It's one of the many things I was created to do. I write because I know no other way to understand life or process my thoughts and emotions and the things God is constantly teaching me. This is forever for me. This blog, my journals, and the other things God has stirred up inside of me-they're forever. It's not a trend or a phase-it's mine and it's something I believe 100% to be a small part of the calling God has placed in my life. I want to do many things in this world: Teach women about Jesus, help new moms, do college ministry, lead worship, help birth babies, teach my own babies, show people the Kingdom but intertwined with all of those things is writing. I am a writer. That will never cease to be true. 

Here's to all of the things 2015 will teach me. 


Involuntary Hallelujah

1:06 PM

Remember Alexander? The kid who had the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day? Well his day was nothing compared to the week I'm recovering from. As I shared earlier in the week my grandma passed away on Tuesday. Then we had 2 days of Christmas without any real Christmas and the next 2 days were her funeral and memorial service.

During worship yesterday morning I decided to push past all of the anger I'm still feeling and go all in. I have never been the person who can just stand there while God's presence is thick and not reach my hands up into His love and goodness. I always have to reach. And somewhere in between the anger of her passing and the love I have for God an involuntary Hallelujah pushed it's way past my lips and hung in the air in front of me. It stayed there staring me straight in the face, forcing me to open my eyes and recognize all that it stood for. 

"Hallelujah. Hallelujah Jesus. Hallelujah."

Saying it over and over again I remembered what I already knew. I do not and will not have all of the answers and while cancer is absolutely from Satan, God is the one who called her Home. He took her  to a place where she will feel no more pain and though it causes the rest of us a certain amount of emotional pain in the process we will have joy again! He has promised that and I'm holding on tight to it. 

"A time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance...."
Ecclesiastes 3:4


Winter silence

7:59 AM

I hate the lessons that are not easily learned.

I hate when I have to really search situation and soul before finally learning the lesson He is teaching me.

I preach "You're ready" all the time but then shrink back, scared and questioning, when it's my time. My turn to show someone the way.

I want so badly to reach out to women who have long ago stopped reaching out for me but maybe that's the lesson in itself. I have to start being ok with the silence that circles in my living room when I desperately ask "How do I help? What do I do?"  Because I know He's not being silent to hurt me. He's showing me, in time, how to do this. How to be the saving grace for someone else the way so many have been for me.

This has been such a long time coming. I know how to help with the young women who are in college. That territory seems familiar and safe. I know what to do, what to say, how to help but now I feel out of my league. These are marriages. These are families. Babies and Holy unions and family members passing and careers altered that I want to rush into and just snap my fingers and make all of the hard stuff go away for them.

But that silence that I'm sitting in. The one that I loathe instead of embrace. Maybe that's the lesson. Be silent and don't rush in. Be there and offer your ear instead of your mouth. Carry the burdens. Fight for them in prayer. Listen. Don't speak just yet.

And if you must speak then whisper scripture and soft pleas to the God who saw this coming before it ever came. Because He also sees when it will come to pass. When it will all be a distant memory, a testimony for them.

So, for now, until the testimonies come. Be silent.


Out of the waters and into abundance

9:54 AM

I am learning so much about hardships lately. Not even just my own but hardships as a whole and how we deal with them as a result of the growth that springs forth from it. I press my face against the cold floor and my head spins with all of the hardships that people around me are facing. Barren women longing to hold life in their womb, single women longing to be held by a husband. Sick family members and friends needing healing, others who are in desperate need of deliverance from addictions. People who are close to living on the street, others who are trying to provide for babies who are low on diapers. It's so much and it's all around us and I'm learning that walking through hardships with the smile and the positivity is not what saves you from them.

There are many times that choosing joy and holding your head up is an answer but honestly I believe that majority of the time we will see the roots grow the deepest in our faith when we allow ourselves to be wracked with emotions and grieve our hardships. I truly believe that it's easy to look up and choose the joy, pressing forward and walking along. What I believe is the hardest thing is to allow the waves to crash over you. To allow yourself to be tossed around through the waters, barely breathing, angry and fighting, gasping for air until you give up and push your hand through the troubled waters, waiting for His hand to intertwine with yours. "He will never give you more than you can handle" is such a silly phrase. Of course He will. If it was easy and you could handle it and being positive was enough to get you through it then you would never need Him.

"For You, God, tested us;
You refined us as silver is refined. 
You lured us into a trap;
You placed burdens on our  backs.
You let men ride over our heads;
we went through fire and water,..."

Yep. That fire you're walking through, it's hot. And those waters are falling so hard you feel like you can't breathe. But wait, friends. Just wait and read this last verse.

"But you brought us out to ABUNDANCE."

He brought us out and into abundance nonetheless. He doesn't just pull us out from our hardships and then let us lay there...He pulls us out and then gives us the abundance. The abundance doesn't always look the way we think it should but it looks exactly how He knows it should. Maybe He brought you out of your financial struggles through the help of paying off your debt instead of handing you a job with a $50,000 salary. Maybe instead of giving life to a baby He fills your home with 7 or 8 adopted children. Maybe instead of your own house to live in, He gives you a room in someone else's home to call your own.

Life is hard, y'all. I don't care how good you have it with your perfect family and your perfect home. Life. Is. Hard. He even tells us in John 16:33 that the troubles will come. They will come over and over again. It will be hard but the good thing is-we can do hard things and the reason we can do hard things is because in that moment of fighting when we decide we're to weak and we give up...He gives us His strength. What a great trade off that is. When we're weak He's strong and so that mountain you're facing can and will be leveled out for you (Isaiah 45:2). You won't do it by yourself and that's ok because that's the point. He goes before us and knows whats ahead. He allows us to keep walking down the horrible path we've put ourselves on. He lets us feel the heat from the fire. He lets the waves crash over us. But we're never burned and we never drown. We never stay on the same path we start out on. Because He brings us out and He brings us to abundance.



To the mom at home

7:55 AM

I've seen the sweet articles floating around Facebook these past few days. The one dedicated to the mom at Target and the mom at Chick Fil A. This blog is for neither, it's for you, mom at home.

I don't see you because you're locked safely behind your door, tucked inside the 4 walls of your home. I don't see you but I do know you. As I'm typing this I'm still in my PJ's, curled up on the chair in my sons room as he sits in the corner playing with random toys. You read the articles about Target and Chick Fil A mom and you understood what they were saying but personally you can't really relate. I know. You don't go out for many reasons. Sometimes it's because you don't have enough money to splurge at Target or Chick Fil A. Sometimes it's because you're so devoted to nap times that you live your life around them. Or maybe you share a car with your husband who works hard for you so there really isn't a way for you to get out and about. Maybe you simply don't like being the furious mom in the Target parking lot. Maybe home feels safer than risking the anxiety attacks that come from kids piled in a cart. An outing that was suppose to help you get out of the house quickly sends you rushing back home so that your children can throw their tantrums where no one else will see....or judge.

I don't see you because you're not out here mingling and truth be told I don't see you because I'm not out either. I know you because I am you. I don't think you're wrong for wanting to stay home. I get it. I really, really do. There is a certain amount of comfort that comes from the routine you've made for you and your children. I get that. Or maybe you're like me and you're still kinda new to the town you're living in. Your family is here, you've joined a wonderful church that you're serving in but you still haven't found many mom friends that don't have other things going on. Your kids are still little and maybe they have older children who have to be taken to school or MDO. I know that feeling.

I know the feeling you get when your husband kisses you on the forehead before leaving for work and you get a sudden sadness as you realize the next time you see him will be 12 hours from now. And the other sadness that breaks you when you realize he didn't get to see the kids all day. It's ok to feel like that. I think the thing that's even more sad than that is the fact that no one talks about it. The busy moms who read this on their phones in the car while they're waiting in the drive thru line for lunch...dont' feel sorry for us. We know staying isolated isn't good and we're working on it. We're working hard to break through the comfortability of the every day and just step outside of ourselves for a while. We really do want to meet you at Target just to walk around and chat or share some laughs over nuggets while the kids run in and out of tunnels in the play area. Give us time. Until then maybe you could take us up on our offer to share a cup of coffee on our couch instead of at Starbucks.

It may seem annoying at times, trust me, I'm even annoyed at it sometimes. But the reality is I don't know your story and you don't know mine. I want to know yours though. I want to know why you run millions of errands, never letting your kids get a good nap in. And I want you to know why my kid is 16 months old and still takes 2 naps a day plus is in bed at 8:30 each night. Share your story with me and I'll share mine with you. No judgement or ridicule. Just two moms who have an understanding that you do whatever works best for you and you family. Because I don't quite understand you but I really want to. So, come sit on my couch for a little while. We have stories to share, mama.

Fort Worth

The town home in the city

8:22 AM

I think just by the title it sounds like such a lovely thing. A town home in the city must be beautiful! I'm here to tell you that isn't always the case but one thing I believe for sure is that you can always, always make your living environment functional and beautiful. My family lives in a 3 bedroom/2 bath town home in a city in Texas. It's not everything we dreamed it would be but I think that's mostly because we have a toddler now and are dreaming of the day that we can get a house with a backyard for him to run around. However, like stated above, you can always make something work for you and the season of life you and your family are in.

See. Functional. We didn't have any storage for our bigger items so we had to create something. We had empty space underneath the stairs so we pushed our couch up against to create a make shift storage area. It holds most of our outside items-bike, golf clubs, chars, etc. I thought it would look very tacky but surprisingly enough it looks normal as if that's all it was meant for.

I used our matching love seat to separate our living room from our kitchen. We have the world's tiniest kitchen and living room and to make it worse they kind of merge into one weird room so I needed to use something to separate it. At first I thought the TV would work there but the cable cord would have to stretch and then, you know, there would be a long cable cord in the middle of the living room so the love seat worked out great. 

A weird thing that I'm sure only people who like to cook will understand is my love for spices. Especially my love for spices to sit right on top of the stove instead of stuffed away in a pantry. Our stove is snug against the wall so we can tilt our spices and have a little shelf for them right there while we're cooking. It's not only convenient for me but it also helps our kitchen look more like a kitchen since we don't have many decorations. 

I've lived in many apartments and 1 house since I started living on my own. I've just picked these small things up as I've had many apartments have different shapes, shelving, space, storage, etc. You really have to work with what you have and though this apartment isn't ideal, its home because I've made it a home. Also, Pinterest is a great thing! As soon as we moved here I searched "Small kitchen organization" and found ways to help store our stuff with minimal counter space. And that picture above is my small beginning to a gallery wall in my living room. It's more like home with all of the little things. 

One thing I wish we had here is Compass. This fantastic website helps match you (MATCH YOU) to your ideal apartment. My husband and I had to Google and search and ask all around before we found a place here and even then it's still not exactly what we're looking for. With a site like Urban Compass we could have found a place in our budget as well as one in a neighborhood that fit our personality and taste. Maybe someone will be genius enough to follow in the footsteps of these New Yorkers and create one for Texas someday.


Look up

8:44 PM

I've been a tad overwhelmed all day. I have that "Sunday evening" feeling that I use to get when I was in school. The dreaded feeling that Monday begins another week of school and classes and homework, etc. Except Monday brings much harder work than school, it brings the work week and for me that obviously means staying home with Elijah. Please, before you laugh at that remember to not judge. Every job has its hardships and staying at home whether you're a wife or a mama too can be tasking. Kaleb works all week so his next day off won't come until next Sunday. This reality brought on the "Sunday evening" feeling for me all day today. I know that I will wake up tomorrow and start another hard week of mothering, tantrums, cooking, cleaning, diaper changes, slapping (a recent discovery my toddler has made), yelling (yep, real life..don't pretend you don't do it too), and the works. The "Sunday evening" feeling can bring on loads of anxiety for me.

Look up!

I never had anxiety until Elijah was born and now it seems to get worse as he gets older and older. While I completely believe that God made such beautiful things like essential oils to help with this (I love my Peace and Calm and Joy oil). I also believe that anxiety is not something I should just sit and be ok with. When I think of the week ahead and the things I mentioned above I can see myself doing these tasks, walking up and down the stairs, stepping over baby gates...and doing it all while looking down. That's not the way.

Look up!

He's calling me and you to look up from the trenches and overcome this. Just simply look up. Remember the purpose, remember there is a light at the end of the tunnel, remember that this too has meaning.

Look up!

This too shall pass. The tantrums that leave you feeling like you're doing this mothering thing all wrong. The constant hours you log at a job that you find no meaning in. The ends you're trying to force to meet but seem to be completely running away from each other. All of it. It will all pass. And that's something I have to remind myself to do. Let the anxiety pass. Look up and just let it fall away. This does not have a stronghold over me or you, friend. Get ready for the week ahead with me, will you? The JOY of the week to come. Pray it out. Everything you're anxious for and over. Pray. It. Out.

"Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God;and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6-7


Retreat, reality, and really pressing in

12:01 PM

I have started this blog probably 100 times in my head but this is the first time I've sat down to really type it out. These key strokes don't seem to be doing my thoughts justice. I can't really blog about what the Lord did for me at the SAF women's retreat last weekend. I will share it with anyone who asks of course but the internet is not allowed to know the sweet markings left on my heart after I walked away from Miller Ranch last Sunday. I just wanted to blog about the retreat as a whole. GUYS. It. Was. Gorg. Miller Ranch in general is very pretty but the Women's Ministry team made it even more beautiful with the prints beautifully framed, the sweet decorated paper straws, and the pumpkin center pieces outside on the tables. It was all in the details, y'all. And to top it off with the sweetest cherry you could tell from the minute you stepped inside that these ladies didn't play around when it came to praying over this retreat. All of the details placed for beauty and all of the prayers said for restoration.

Beauty For Ashes. What a name. This retreat was bound to be everything we all dreamed and then some. Everyone was greeting each other with tears and hugs. I mean it really was an anointed atmosphere. You could feel His presence from the moment you arrived. My heart was beating fast as I scribbled my name across a sheet of paper waiting on the front table. It could have pounded right out of my chest and onto the floor had people not hugged me, closing it off before it could even try. Women. We really know how to get stuff done. We know the perfect placements on mantle pieces and the perfect words to preach right to your heart. I'm sure that's not on accident. God made us nurturing for more than just our children and husbands but for the women around us as well. It's how we know to wash he dishes for the new mom instead of just bring her family a meal. It's how we know to insist on a coffee date instead of a day at the mall. It's how we know to base the theme of a retreat off of the words "beauty " and "ashes." 

I'm always sad to go back to reality when these types of weekends are over but that's where the Lord really tests you, isn't it? Where you get to find out if you're really moving forward with Him like you said you would or where you get to really rely on His strength through the hard times instead of just saying you will. Reality. Bleh. Leaving that atmosphere, those was all hard but alas here I am a week later still thinking about the things God whispered to my heart and the things He's asking me to learn. Press in deep, friends. Press in even deeper than you do at the conferences and the retreats and the trainings and camps. Because that's when it counts the most I guess. No, I don't guess. I know this to be true. I've done this a thousand times and I'll do it a thousand more but coming home has got to be where I really begin to walk all of it out. So, I'll press in because a retreat like that isn't meant as an end, it's meant as a beginning. 


Catch and release:an act of grace and mercy

9:39 AM

Elijah has recently discovered the lost art of climbing in and climbing out as well as climbing on top of. It's an exciting time in the Hargrove home. Thankfully it's only shorter things like his toy chest and not taller ones like his crib because I could not handle putting Elijah in a toddler bed yet. He's not very graceful either in case any of you are wondering. He doesn't hike his leg up and just climb in. He more topples in than anything else and he doesn't do it the one time, he does it over and over again. Climbing in the toy box and then climbing out only to climb back in and then to climb out. 

Kaleb and I took turns this morning closing the toy box and sitting on it making sure he doesn't climb on the window sill behind it so he can stand on top of it as if he's king and then fall over like humpty dumpty. Eventually we gave up and opened up his toy box so he could just play. It wasn't worth the ear piercing screams and tantrum throwing that was going down. I sat back on the couch and watched him climb in and climb out each time he climbs out finding myself wanting to jolt to catch him before he fell over the wrong way and really hurt his neck or something. I looked over at Kaleb and he had the same stance. Sitting on the edge of the couch watching him carefully, ready to pounce and come to Elijah's rescue the minute he fell. Alas, we did not pounce or rescue and in that moment it occurred to me how many times I struggle with this. 

This act of learning when to rescue and when to pull back. When to hold off for a second longer because he has to learn the consequences or when to not be the overbearing mom and just sit back to see what happens. I'm still shocked most days when I realize how much God is teaching me through raising Elijah. He teaches me about myself but more importantly He teaches me about His own heart. Because after soaking all of that in for a brief moment I wondered how God must feel. He's so good at this balancing act that I am so unfortunately bad at. He doesn't question or wonder. He knows when to scoop us up before we hit the ground and when to just let us fall. He's kind of awesome like that though if we're on the falling end of it we may think the exact opposite. 

(By the way he was laughing when I took this picture so don't worry, he's fine. He is a boy after all.)

When the Lord catches us before falling, it's called grace. When he inevitably picks us up after we fall, it's mercy. So I'm wondering how much and when to give it to Elijah. When do I discipline and when do I step back. When is it too much and when is it not enough. In a shorter amount of years then I'd like to admit I won't be struggling with this over a toy box but over things much more serious. Things that break mothers hearts and send us to our closet, hitting that worn in spot in the carpet where our knees seem to be spending most of their time. That place where no matter how much we've prayed, shared, read, spoken over them....we will still end up there in some way over some thing. And even if it seems to be a small something it's a big something to our mama heart. So I guess more or less I'm learning about this now with my 14 month old to better be prepared for him as a 16 year old even though I'll still be running after God's instruction. I'm sure some days as I'm practicing this act, He is practicing His own act but with me instead of my son because, after all, I am His daughter and He shows me more grace on a normal day then I'd like to admit.

Catch and release. Here we go...

"...but where sin increased, grace abounded all the more,..." Romans 5:20


I breathe You in

4:16 PM

I haven't really been able to breathe for a while now. Ever since Kaleb applied for the supervisor position at his job I haven't caught my breath. I've held it in waiting for an interview. He had his interview and I gasped and held it in again waiting for the next interview that never came. He got the email a couple of weeks ago saying he didn't get the job and I held my breath still...waiting for some divine miracle to show up. Whether it was in the form of his superiors saying they made a mistake or the person that they offered the job to somehow declining their offer. I have no idea what it was but I just kept holding my breath. Well, this is me finally breathing. I have typed up a completely different blog that I was going to post a week ago about this but I couldn't. I still wasn't breathing. I was still secretly hoping for that miracle that I felt we deserved somehow. I was angry and confused but nothing I felt compared to how Kaleb felt. He had worked so hard for this.

And then today (without giving any details because I can't) he heard about some sketchy stuff going on in his company and I think we both breathed a little deeper. God wasn't keeping something from us, He was protecting us. So many times before I've done this-mistaken His protection for something different, something unkind or unjust. That's not my God. Why do I reduce Him to something like that? More importantly why doesn't the bigger picture pan out, bringing into focus the beauty that is my life. Our purpose and plan isn't shoved down into a job it's so much more than that. It's in the lives that are being saved around us and through us only because He has allowed us to play a small part in the act of rescuing souls for His Kingdom. It's in the raising of tiny humans who will continue the good work when we're long gone. It's not even really in a church service or big conference most of the time but in the life group meeting or coffee date. 

So there it is and naturally I don't see it until I start to write it out. That's how I process most things God is trying to teach me. The bigger picture, the huge purpose, the gigantic plan we're all waiting on comes in a much smaller package than we realized. The laying of hands on your husband while your toddler watches from your knees or the scripture you speak over your house as you walk upstairs for the night. Maybe to go one step further it even resembles the things we don't say. When we bite our tongue instead of yelling at our children or decide to think twice before posting that certain thing to a social media account. Maybe that's the bigger picture sometimes as well. Whatever it is I'm clinging and breathing in this verse-

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28


To the freshman girl, from the girl who dropped out

9:59 AM

Hey you. I see you. Yep, you. The one whose kinda standing there awkwardly among the sea of new freshman. Your hair is perfectly tied with a zebra print ribbon which you wore because apparently you're a 5 year old little girl. I think you just noticed they're not very "in" here so you took it out of your hair when you got into your dorm. You wore that ratty A&M shirt for two reasons. One for comfort since it's move in day and two because you wanted to be funny. You are definitely not at A&M but you are here, college. A place you never thought you would get to.

(First picture in my dorm)

I could tell you not to take that awful mirror selfie with the "care free" peace sign but I'd be preaching to the choir. You're just excited. I get it. Oh my do I get it! See that picture above? Yep. I so get it. You'll look back at these pictures and laugh. But not everything you take a picture of will be that funny. You might be dumb enough to take some drunk pictures because, well of course, it's your first college party and you want to remember. Don't drink the Kool-Aid, girl! They're not all they're cracked up to be. "Liquid Courage" is just a poor, insecure girl's way of letting that upper classmen notice her. Don't even bother. You don't need their attention but again, I'm preaching to the choir. I know you'll do it anyway. You'll pay for that tomorrow. Toilet meet last night, last night meet toilet. 


This process of picking a major, filling out your financial aid forms, getting a small (but very stupid) student loan, buying your first laptop with your Operation Graduation money, putting yourself in the dorm lottery...all of it added up to this moment. You're here on your own. Your dorm is colorful and bright. You scored on this one! A private room tucked inside a dorm with 3 other roommates. The best of both worlds, really. Your parents have just left and you're headed off to that college party I mentioned earlier. Don't get too excited. The party gets broken up after an hour or two and you're running to the car with all of your new friends so as not to get caught. Very, very lame but a fun memory all the same. Try harder. I'm begging you! Focus on those classes. They're actually pretty simple if you would get your head out of the clouds. You think you're invincible now but come December your grades will say otherwise. I know you'll make up for it spring semester but wouldn't it be nice to know you wouldn't have to? 

(Spring semester, y'all)

Take it from me now while you can-this year really sets the pace for your college career. For the most part you'll finish off strong and I'm not just talking about your grades. I'm talking about who you are as well. Instead of skipping classes all the time you actually make an effort to go, instead of studying for 5 minutes in your dorm you're taking up a whole booth in the library until 2am getting ready for that English final. And you're not attending the parties anymore but you are driving your roommates to and from them. It's your way of keeping them safe. They're lucky to have a dedicated DD like you even if you don't come in and play a round of beer pong.

(Web cam photo while studying for History)

Don't move out of the dorms! I know the apartment life looks much more appealing than living on campus and I guess in some ways it is but you grow up the minute you sign that lease. Bills on top of bills on top of bills. Even with two other roommates you'll end up turning that part time job into full time. And then you realize your financial aid doesn't cover textbooks (and those basically cost as much as a years tuition) which sends you into the admissions office with the withdrawal form. All because you thought no one lives in the dorms after their second year ends. Not true. The smart people who want to save money and finish-they stay in those dorms and continue having a meal plan. Yep. They do it. They almost die from the food in the UC but at least they graduate from college!

(Another mirror selfie. First apartment.)

Personally, my life is pretty amazing. I have a wonderful husband who works hard so that I can stay home with our sweet toddler but I'd be lying if I said it doesn't bother me that I didn't stay in school. It bothers both Kaleb and I. Hopefully one day we will get the finances to go back but to you, the girl thinking about giving up, my piece of advice-DON'T DO IT! Keep pressing forward because that degree is well worth the next 3 years or 4 or 7..ok maybe not 7 but it is worth it. You might not have your dream career right after graduation but you will be able to say that you finished and that all your handwork paid off in the end.

(This was taken the morning all of my peers were graduating from ASU. Kaleb having sweet morning conversations with Elijah while he was still in my tummy.)


Fifty Shades of NO

1:36 PM

I've said in a previous post that I don't write about things I haven't personally experienced or that I don't have a heart for. So, naturally this post was hard to come to but I can't sit back and watch it happen. When Fifty Shades of Grey came out, along with Magic Mike I remember sharing this blog. She did a fantastic job on that post. And like she stated at the beginning she just felt compelled to do so. Sylvia Plath said it best when she said "I write because there is a voice within me that will not be still." I usually quiet that voice on controversial topics (and lets be honest this is, sadly, a controversial topic now) but I just can't. Not now with the new trailer that has just surfaced for the upcoming movie.

I can't be naive and think that this post should reach certain people. I know that if you're not a Christian you may not agree with me and you know what? That's perfectly ok. If you don't know God then of course I don't expect you to feel convicted over the same things I do but Christian women I'm speaking to you. I'm your sister and I love you deeply so I have to say it-this movie, this book, this porn is not ok. It's. Not. Ok. You don't get a free pass to go watch this movie because it's girls night or because it's being shown in theaters.

"Well it's not porn because obviously they don't show porn in movie theaters."

Actually they do. Any sex scene is essentially porn. The definition of pornography is "the portrayal of sexual subject matter for the purpose of sexual arousal." Kaleb and I talk about it all the time when watching new movies-majority of the plot lines in newer movies could do without the sex scene they put in there which normally ends up being a few to even several sexual scenes. We would all still understand that the characters just had sex if you do a quick make out scene and cut to their clothes strewn across the floor. I mean really this whole drawn out "love making" scene isn't necessary but I can't find a movie without it anymore. And Fifty Shades of Grey tops all of them in that department.

If you wouldn't want to see your son/husband/brother/father/pastor watching porn on his computer then why is it any different if you go see this movie? This is a stumbling block. Point blank. Not just for others but for your self as well. You could have no tie to pornography and then watch this movie only for it to open up an ugly door and lead you down a path you never thought you would have to walk down. I keep seeing articles and blog posts floating around the internet lately about men and pornography and the huge moral issue at hand. But why is that so limited to men? It's a problem for women as well and it should be addressed. 2 Corinthians 6:3 says "We put no stumbling block in anyone's path, so that our ministry will not be discredited." The youth pastor cannot flip through the pages of Playboy while sipping coffee with one of his students and then close it only to tell him about the Lord. You may think you don't have a ministry but being a light in the world is your ministry and you are held to the same standards. You cannot go see Fifty Shades of Grey and then the next day claim to love the Lord. It doesn't work that way and I'm not sure why we stopped speaking truth in this area. Are you going to go to hell? Probably not. But why take advantage of such a kind and sweet God who shows us endless grace and mercy? He holds you to a higher standard not because He wants to make it hard for you but because He knows you're capable of more if you're following Him. In your weakness, His strength is made perfect (2 Corinthians 12:9).

Lust doesn't start in your mind just like adultery doesn't start outside of the marriage bed. Both begin in your heart and spiral into a place you could quite possibly never come back from.  Matthew 5:28 tells us that "anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery in his heart." We are told to guard our heart because everything else comes from it. (Proverbs 4:23) Guarding your heart starts with guarding those things that are easily prone to sin. Your eyes, your
thoughts, etc. This isn't always the case but let's spin a scenario here-

After watching this movie with the girls you feel a little more aroused than usual. You were thinking of your husband the whole time while watching it and you can't wait to get back home to him. Oh, darn. He's already asleep. You'll catch him tomorrow after work. Uh oh. There's that guy in the mail room who looks kind of like Christian Grey. Wow. You never noticed how similar they look. Suddenly your mind is spinning with adulterated thoughts of an office affair like in the movie. You shake them off until a few weeks go by and when you're with your husband your thoughts are not on him and the love you create together, it's on that guy from the mail room. You imagine him instead of your husband but never speak a word of it to anyone. This continues for months until one day that Christian Grey look alike makes one pass at you the same day your husband forgot your anniversary (again) and suddenly you find yourself having an affair.

Is that over the top? Possibly. Or is it exactly how things like that happen. I'm sure if you interviewed majority of the people who have had affairs they could tell you that it started right there. It was one slip of a mouse click or one fleeting thought about the guy that worked across the hall only to turn into something they never expected. Maybe we don't realize it everyday but Satan works pretty hard at getting us to fall, sin, and even walk away from the Lord. That one tiny thought he planted goes a long way when the right things are said at the right time by the right person. I will not cheat on Kaleb and he won't cheat on me but does that mean we stop guarding ourselves? No way! God commands it and so we do it. Am I saying that one movie can change the course of your life? Absolutely. Like I said above one small thing can open a door that you may not be able to close later on so why risk it.

Ultimately this movie feeds into the lie that sex is just sex. I'm going to go ahead and say it-sex is never just sex. It's a bond forever tying you to that person in a way that God only intended you to be tied to your spouse. If your relationship status is the issue then the same thing applies to you. It wasn't long ago that this was my story, praying over my soul ties to certain guys so that I could be tied to Kaleb instead. It was a mistake that I greatly regret but God is good and he heals and restores. However, I'd be lying if I said I didn't wish I could go back in time and choose to say no. The Bible speaks against sexual immorality countless times. It's not an annoying thing that Christians should follow. It's God already seeing the end result to something that could be very fatal with your relationship in regards to Him and to others. Sin being inevitable does not mean Holiness is unachievable. 1 Thessalonians 4: 3-5 says "For this is the will of God, your sanctification: that you abstain from sexual immorality; that each one of you know how to control his own body in holiness and honor, not in the passion of lust like the Gentiles who do not know God.." and in 1 Peter 2:11 He says "Beloved, I urge you as sojourners and exiles to abstain from the passions of the flesh, which wage war against your soul." That word didn't happen on accident. He chose to say that it would wage a war because it's truth. But if it's a struggle in regards to this movie-PRAY! Seek out His word. Don't pass it by if you feel He is urging you away. Trust in Him. He always gives you a way out when you're feeling tempted (1 Corinthians 10:13).


2 years and the story of how we met

6:47 AM

2 years.

2 years is just a tiny scratch on the surface of what our marriage will become and what it already has unfolded into. I use to say it all the time when we first got married because everyone would ask me how I liked being married, so here's what I said-"Marriage is the biggest blessing I've ever received." Just in case you're wondering, it still is. Having children is a big blessing too but in a completely different way. No one really asks the how-we-met story but since I, personally, am a huge fan of them I'm going to share mine with you in honor of my small but beautiful 2 year anniversary.

If we get super technical I met Kaleb for a brief moment in the third pew, middle row at church. My friend Joey (his life group leader at the time) introduced us during a quick meet and greet. It was so brief in fact that Kaleb forgot my name the next time we saw each other. In all fairness I did almost call him Cameron when we met again but I quickly remembered his name and corrected myself before we spoke. Our official "meeting" is and always will be one of my favorite memories.

Right after school started up for the spring semester in 2011 Angelo State University had a snow day. It was rare so I count this a very special day. I woke up and got ready for class that day and made my way to the UC only to find out classes had been cancelled. I cannot for the life of me tell you who all from Chi Alpha was in the UC that day making plans to hang out. I remember seeing Kaleb, Joey, and my two friends Kayla and Brittanie. After that my mind goes blank because (and yes this is cheesy) Kaleb was the only one I could truly focus on. It's not a snippet of a love story, it's just fact. I wanted to know him better. We all ate and made plans to play football in the snow. I don't do sports, friends. I just don't do them but it was a snow day and to quote the movie with aforementioned title-"Anything can happen on a snow day."

We played football in the snow and it was probably the most fun I had all year. It was freezing to the point that my face and fingers hurt but it was the kind of fun that you just fight through the pain for. I can't remember if Kaleb and I were on the same team or if my team won. I just remember running back and forth and tackling people in the deep white snow. Afterwards Kayla invited us all to her apartment for dinner which was conveniently located right across the street from where we were all playing football. A bunch of us loaded up in cars and headed to the grocery store. This is where the instant connection began. Sitting next to Kaleb in his truck I hear the song on the radio and say "this is Tool, right?" People! His eyes could not have been any more obvious. It's like stars were literally coming out of them. He loved music the way I loved music and I just knew. Some people connect over a love of sports or food, my love and I connected over music and we still do. His response to my question was "You know who Tool is? Not many girls know Tool. I'm surprised." I had to give myself an invisible high-five for that one. I just found his favorite band upon our first actual conversation.

The rest of the night preceded with helping in the kitchen to make dinner, consuming said dinner, and watching all of the boys take turns playing video games. Somehow, by the grace of God maybe, Kaleb and I ended up being the ones who volunteered to do the dishes. The dishes of at least 10 people gave us enough time to chat about Jesus, schools we were thinking about transferring to, music, and Chi Alpha. I wanted to drag out all of the dishes in every single cabinet in Kayla's kitchen just so I could have more time with him by myself. Alas, the dishes were clean and we headed back into the living room where Kaleb picked up one of the guys guitars and started picking out a Nickelback song. I don't know who exactly started it or how we ended up there but the next thing I know Kayla and I are singing He Won't Relent while someone played the guitar and the entire apartment starts filling with a random act of worship. It was real and it was beautiful. Kaleb and I started discussing trying out for the worship team for Chi Alpha. He wanted to play the drums and I wanted to sing. We decided, together, that we would go for it. He brought out a bravery in me in that moment that I had never before had. I didn't just sing in front of people. That's not who I was but when Kaleb played with confidence it made me want to mimic that confidence and give it my all.

What happened at the end of the night is something I still poke at Kaleb about. When everyone was getting ready to leave Kaleb slid his phone across the floor to me without saying anything. When I picked it up it was opened to his keypad. I laughed and put in my number. He texted me right there so I could save his into my phone as well. That took guts on his part. He dropped me off at my dorm and I texted him almost right away to tell him I left my chips and salsa that I had just bought that day at Kayla's apartment. Being the sweet guy he is, he brought them to me. I wanted him to stay and talk to me for hours but being the gentlemen he is, he left and went back to his dorm. That night we confirmed plans to hang out that weekend.

My heart is doing flips just typing this story out. I love our story but that's only the beginning of it. One day I'll get the courage to type out our dating story. That story will take a lot of tears and vulnerability that I just don't have quite yet. 3 years maybe? Who knows. For now, this is the beginning of my forever and I had no idea at this time that Kaleb was the man I had been praying for.

Happy anniversary, baby. You are quite literally my favorite husband. I love the way you keep this on going spark in our marriage. This snap that otherwise I thought would die out once we became parents. You have shown great amounts of grace and patience with me these last 2 years as I have navigated motherhood and being a wife. I have found ugly parts of myself during these last 2 years that I would think would make you run but wrapped in your arms in the dark I can still hear you say "I'm choosing to love you." A constant reminder that this isn't a process of us falling in love, it's a process of us choosing it daily. More specifically choosing that this marriage is a covenant we made together with the Lord, not something we chose to do because we felt it was the next step. I can't begin to understand what you saw in me that day we met but I must have done something right to catch your eye. I loved you then and I love you more now and I suspect that love will ebb and flow sometimes as do the seasons of marriage but just like you're choosing, so am I. I love you. Forever and always, Kaleb James. 


Hargrove home updates

11:21 AM

There are a couple of exciting things going on in our home that have developed over the last few days. As of yesterday I am now the Social Media Manager for author Jodie Mitchell. She is my friends aunt and has self published 3 books of poetry (The Trusting TimeIn The SufferingCareful Whispers) and is currently working on her new book Legacy which will be releasing soon. I am so excited to help spread the word about all of her books. Follow her on Instagram and Twitter and while you're at it check out her and her husbands ministry called April Sky Ministries. Seeing first hand how social media can help keep others updated on your works/works in progress I created (again) my own Twitter account. So follow, follow, follow!

Another wonderful opportunity God has presented us with is within the company Kaleb works for. I can't say what it is officially on here but keep us in your prayers and as soon as I get the ok I will let you all know. I thought that moving to Fort Worth  would open up doors for Kaleb but now I see that doors are being opened up for me as well and not to mention our family in general. We are also currently taking classes to become members at our new church. So many exciting and new changes happening that I had to share them with you all ASAP! All of these changes bring new meaning to Jeremiah 29:11-

"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."


Happy Birthday Elijah!

8:45 PM

First off I wanted to leave these here because I am so proud of myself for keeping up with these posts for an entire year:
There are tears literally streaming down my face as I type this. I can't believe all that The Hargrove Home has experienced over this last year. I have lived on this earth for 23 years which is exactly 8,485 days (yep, totally just calculated that) but my life truly began July 12, 2013. 365 days ago when the most amazing little guy came into my life. I never knew this kind of love existed. This can't-breathe, can't-speak type of love. This love for a child who stops me dead in my tracks and makes me stare, forgetting everything else I have to do. Sitting on the couch and watching him play feels like a dream. He's the one who made me a mama, my first born. The only baby Kaleb and I will ever be able to enjoy by ourselves. I can't believe God picked us to be his parents. This journey has been absolutely insane. I have felt so many emotions over this last year and I've tried hard to prepare myself for his birthday but it all seems to fall away now that this day is here. I hate that people think a first birthday isn't a big deal. On the contrary folks, it's the BIGGEST deal. Especially when it's your first kid. My sweet 7 lb baby is this huge, walking, talking, toddler now and it feels unreal. We won't see his pediatrician until next week for his 1 year check up so I'll have to edit this later with all of his updated stats but as of today here they are-

  • Learning baby sign language. He can do "all done" and "more"
  • Down to 4 nursing sessions a day
  • Has a fake laugh he does to make you laugh more
  • He's very ornery when having his diaper changed, waiting for food, or getting clothes put on him
  • He has added thank you and babe to his vocabulary
  • He's finally transitioned down to 2 naps during the day
  • Sleeps GREAT at night! 12 hours normally.
  • Gives high fives
  • Gives slobbery, open mouthed kisses when you ask
  • When Kaleb is gone he walks around the apartment saying "dadada daddy daddy"

Dear Elijah,
...You. You are perfect. I love the one, single freckle on your back. I like tracing my finger up your spine to make you giggle. I love the way your belly hangs over your shorts. I know it's full of mama milk and yummy food. I love your crooked teeth. They are the cutest set of teeth I have ever seen. They set you a part. I love how your hair has recently started getting thick on top. I can run my fingers through it when you lay your head on my lap. I love how you get instantly quiet when we're swaying next to your crib in the dim light of your room as I sing one of our two songs. I love how you put your hand over mine when I stroke your cheek as I lay you in your crib for nap time. I love how each morning when daddy brings you into our room your presence always brings promise of new mercies. But most of all, out of everything, I just love you. You've taken me on a long journey this year. You came into mine and daddys life when we were still in wedded bliss, showing me that I would fall in love with your dad deeper than I ever imagined when he became a father. And even more so you showed me that I could love someone I had never even seen. I say it all the time but I'll say it here as well-I know there is a deep calling on your life, little one. I can feel it with every moment I spend with you. God has major plans for you and I will continue to pray and speak that over you. Thank you for being the best little boy. You make this family whole. 


Sweet freedom

8:44 AM

I feel like there are many topics I can't blog about and by can't I mean won't. Without any specifics I'm just talking about topics that pertain to things I haven't personally experienced or even things that I have experienced but feel like I haven't walked out long enough to really share anything on it. But when it comes to the topic of shame and freedom in Christ, it's something I know well. Curled up on my friends couch the other day I made this statement:

"I carry a lot of shame still when it comes to my past."

She then proceeded to ask why I thought that might be and my only answer was I don't know. I really don't. I can't think of a good excuse or reason for why my past continually shames me when I've been walking with the Lord for 5 years now. I've walked with freedom in some areas and in others I've just shut down, not willing to let God take that area of my heart and use it for good or mold it or even just heal it. Instead I walk, 5 years later, with deep shame from who I use to be. Being a wife and a mother have helped a lot of course with my growth in this area but overall it's something I have to let the Lord in on or else it will never be fixed. When I take a step toward Him I always end up taking 2 steps back in fear that I can't go deeper with Him because of who I was. 

At church yesterday (I LOVE our new church by the way) the sermon was about finishing the rest of the year strong. Apparently yesterday was the 26th Sunday of the year, the half way marker. The pastor talked about all the goals we had set for ourselves back in January. Losing weight, dealing with addictions, going deeper with God, etc and the whole message was a huge encouragement on finishing the race. Almost 6 months ago I wrote this post all about how I just wanted to walk out into unchartered waters and grow. While my reading and prayer life have grown since then I still feel like I'm standing in the shallow end of life just watching everyone else.

I want to walk in the spirit more. Not just read and pray and know Him more but live out life radically and that starts with remembering that I was saved 5 years ago. There is no more shame. Flaws defined me but Jesus saved me. He didn't willingly go to the cross for my shame to weigh me down and keep me from God. He went willingly to the cross so that I can walk in freedom and boldly approach the throne. What a sweet revelation. One I've always known but sometimes need to be reminded of when I feel God pulling me into deeper waters.

"For the sake of your name, O Lord, forgive my iniquity, though it is great. Who, then, is the man that fears the Lord? He will instruct him in the way chosen for him. He will spend his days in prosperity."
Psalm 25:11-13


His first Father's Day

9:35 PM

To this guy, the man I gave my forever to, I must say that nothing he does goes unnoticed. The hard work he puts in to provide for Elijah and I, the things he does at home long after he's clocked out, and the amount of time and love he never seems to run out of for our son. None of it has gone unnoticed, I see him, my sweet husband. I see him.

When Elijah was out and finally placed on my chest I looked and saw the tears coming from his eyes. I saw the pride and joy he felt in that moment and it's never been the same since. I'm so unbelievably sorry his own father isn't here to celebrate with him but I know he is immensely proud of the dad he is. 

I have watched many other dads reluctantly take care of their children but not Kaleb. I have seen him spring at the chance to get some alone time with Elijah. He has held that crying, screaming, perfectly swaddled thing for hours when we were at a loss for how to soothe him. He has sat next to me in bed feeding me lunch and giving me water to drink as I nursed our newborn son for an hour. He has swept and mopped floors after our boy is snug in bed when I know all he really wanted to do was relax and play video games. He has shared his heart with me when it comes to having a big family. He wants 3 more and my heart leaps at how joyous he is over the future of our children.

He attended every appointment when I was pregnant and every class when were getting ready for Elijah's birth. He's never missed an appointment with our pediatrician and has left work to come take our sweet boy to the ER. He is the epitome of an amazing father. His heart beats for his God and his family. I have watched this man sacrifice a lot to get us where we're at and I am convinced that God picked the best man to marry me and father our children. A man who sits on the kitchen floor and feeds our naked baby watermelon. A man who up until last week would get up and bring that baby to me when he would wake in the middle of the night. Who has told me countless times to take a bubble bath to relax after he got done with a long shift at work.

Thank you, Kaleb. Thank you so much for rising up and being the father God has called you to be. Elijah and I are blessed beyond measure to have you as the leader of our home. The way our son cries when you leave the house and giggles when you come home isn't because he's a baby it's because he loves you so much! Hearing you two laugh together is my favorite sound. Watching you two play together is a moment I could never get sick of. You are my favorite baby daddy! Happy Father's Day, my love. 


Elijah: 11 months!

9:32 AM

The countdown is officially on. 30 days until my boy turns 1! I will be soaking in many nursing sessions, tickle fights, and cuddles since they are all few and far between. Well, maybe not the tickle fights. At 11 months-

  • 23 lbs
  • 27 inches
  • Sleeping through the night (FINALLY!)
  • Can take a total of 9 steps though he did walk across the living room last night
  • Still breastfed but usually every 4-5 hours and not at all during the night
  • Eating 3 solid meals and snacking in between
  • Recently discovered he likes playing in his pack n play
  • Has a new found love for water
  • Sticks his tongue out and back in 
  • Started getting a little sad when daddy leaves the house
  • Wearing 12m-18m clothes
  • Cloth diapered full time but in disposables over night
  • Will not wear shoes or hats
  • Loves hanging out in the pool
  • Completely off of his reflux medicine
  • Cries at really loud noises (dogs barking, lions roaring, etc)

He survived his first real move. 4 hours in a car with me and his nonna was pretty tiring I'm sure but he handled it well. A little fussy but we made it just fine. I think he's ready for the pool to be open already. He's a water baby for sure. I've had his first birthday "planned" since he was born. Pinterest truly is a glorious thing, friends. I've pinned many ideas and now that we're a month out I'm starting to actually get ready. We're having his birthday party in San Angelo with the people who were here during his first year but we're having a small thing with my family here in Fort Worth on his actual birthday that way they don't have to travel the following weekend for his party. He's also in his first wedding next weekend. I'm pretty excited! Can't wait to see our friends get married and, of course, see my handsome guy all decked out and formal. 

Oh, son. It's almost time. You'll be hitting toddler status sooner than I'd like to truly believe. 


San Angelo

11:37 AM

With a heavy heart

San Angelo

It's where I laid myself upon an altar and died only to rise a born again someone.
It's where my 2 years of college education began and ended but not indefinitely.
It's where a scrawny freshman slid his phone across the carpet and asked me for my number.
It's where God showed up and rescued me, pulling me from the muck and the mire and cleansing my soul.
It's where I danced in front of the mirror with Amy and shared 4 am conversations with Whitney.
Where I started working with babies and discovered a love for children I never knew I had.
Where I made many mistakes but learned to run to Jesus instead of from Him.
Where that scrawny freshman gave me my first flower on our first Valentines day together.
Where I finally got on stage and learned to deal with my fear.
Where someone thought I was worthy enough to lead others.
Where I became a part of a leadership team that became more than people; they became family.
Where that scrawny freshman cried on my shoulder and I cried too.
Where I found my mentor.
Where I found community.
Where I found a pastor who gave me food to eat and fed me the Word as well.
Where God told me I would clean up messes and I did.
Where He told me to step back and really look.
Where He told me to stay because the workers were few but the harvest was great.
Where I fell in love with that scrawny freshman and discovered he was the man I'd been praying for.
Where that scrawny freshman became not so scrawny and where we shared our first kiss.
Where my life finally made sense.
Where I wrestled with the Lord over and over when mending my brokeness.
Where He restored my heart and made me new.
Where that boy decided to make our first kiss, my last first kiss.
Where I discovered my fear of friendships and lost a lot of people.
Where I drove a few girls away who were counting on me.
Where I learned how to two step by a lake.
It's where I found modesty and purity to be the very thing God was asking of me.
It's where I got the phone call that my mamaw had passed away.
It's where Sarah dropped her homework and came to my dorm to pray over me.
It's where I found out I was pregnant and jumped off the couch to hug that man I married.
It's where I learned motherhood cannot be done alone.
It's where I finally opened up about my miscarriage.
It's where I first went to Hastings and fell in love with the book section.
Where I was 18 and Mari told me the Lord was writing my love story over 2 am messages on Facebook.
It's where I began blogging and where I discovered an online community who got me.
It's where I became addicted to coffee.
It's where I came back from my honeymoon and stopped being a fiancé and started being a wife.
It's where I helped Sabrina fight for breastfeeding.
Where I saw Maroon 5 and Fitz and The Tantrums in concert.
Where I stood by the bon fire and decided there was more.
Where I went to the lake at midnight with my XA friends and got moved by the Holy Spirit.
It's where I met the most amazing OB/GYN and cried with friends when we had to say good-bye.
It's where honoring one another became harder than I could imagine.
It's where I woke up each Sunday eager to go to church.
It's where I discovered my heart for young couples and new moms.

San Angelo...

It's an anointing oil spilling over me and the smell of a new dorm.
It's living on my own for the first time.
It's ratty furniture and hand-me-down dishes.
It's packages in the mail and tearful good byes.
It's phone calls to my family and Charlotte moving to live with me.
It's Charlotte moving back to Fort Worth after my wedding.
It's learning that being sick without your mom to take care of you sucks pretty hard.
It's no money to pay rent until a little owl card comes and a vase of flowers.
It's a grace laden friendship I can never let go of.
It's wisdom from wise counsel spilling over me time and time again.
It's tough conversations and lots of prayer.
It's learning to cook and bake.
It's countless baby and bridal showers.
It's weddings I danced at and several I cried at.
It's new relationships to discover.
It's delivering my first child.
It's a doula and lactation consultant who rocked my world.
It's postpartum tears shared in a dark living room with Sarah the day she showed me how to nurse.
It's discovering I can do all things through Christ. 
It's driving to Ashlee and Heath's house to share my broken heart.
It's a dimly lit hallway I walked down with my RA friend for nightly rounds.
It's midnight laundry washing at Texan Hall.
It's girl's night at Keely's place with prayer instead of gossip.
It's a night ride on the back of the motorcycle.
It's playing football in the snow and worship in the apartment.
It's Zero One Ale House and Armenta's.
It's getting close to The Ferguson's right before they moved away.
It's singing to raise money for missions.
It's hugging Kayla on the front pew and telling her I'm sorry.
It's too much ramen and so much free food.
It's parties at The Grove and learning what BC days are all about.
It's traveling from dorm to dorm with new friends.
It's my-face-in-the-carpet type prayers.
It's Mali, Jake, Ellie, Grayson, and Lylah being etched in my heart forever.
It's sharing life in married life group and realizing how much I need them.
It's late night conversations at the Kotze's while Elijah snoozes in the pack n play.
It's one movie theatre and a one story mall.
It's wishing Baker Street would come back.
It's DMB always coming through the speakers.
It's an inspiration of health from The Taylor's.
It's accountability I never asked for but desperately needed.
It's living in 4 apartments and 1 house over the span of 3 years.
It's the Holy Spirit falling every sunday morning at SAF.
It's praying at Starbucks during regroup.
It's 2 transitions of pastors whom I greatly love and respect.
It's worship that moved me to tears and sermons that grew me.
It's finally building a relationship with her only to let it fall between my fingers.
It's "click-click" and all of the memories that rush back.

It's San Angelo and no one can tell me any different.

Fort Worth, you have some pretty big shoes to fill.

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