
Imagine: Five Minute Friday

1:30 PM

First off I would just like to take a minute and announce that my BABY SHOWER is TOMORROW! I'm so excited! I can't wait to gather with all of my sweet friends and receive wonderful blessings of gifts for my sweet Elijah. Ok, Here we go.


Imagining you.
Imagining your every curve and smell and movement.

My baby. Your brown hair is in my head. I believe even if you come out adorned with only the skin covering your head, you will one day have brown, soft, shaggy hair like your father. I imagine my nose on your perfect face. I imagine your dad's eyes staring back at me as I nurse you. Skin to skin I can already feel you. 

Soft. Sweet smell of a newborn hitting my nose when I scoop you from your cradle and instantly place you against my cheek. Staring deep into  your daddy's eyes as you take me to a new place. Is it weird that I see you in my imagination already? That I can smell you and feel you and hear your cry echoing through my mama heart that is longing to meet you? Oh, how I long to meet you. How I long to squish your precious hands against mine and lay you on your daddy's chest late at night. 

My fair skin is now yours as it mixes with the color of your dad's beautifully tan chest. And you are his son. You are my son. You are our son. And until you make your arrival...I will imagine you. 

Imagining you.


Jehovah-Jireh (Yahweh will provide)

4:08 PM

Kaleb and I are learning how to live off just his paycheck since next week is my last week watching the babies and one of my last paychecks come's next week as well. So, it's difficult. I don't like to discuss our finances with people. Any of it. How much we make, how much our bills are, etc. But I will say that we have been living just fine. Never hurting for anything or struggling. We moved to the apartment to help downsize our bills and life has been good especially with so many people giving us stuff for Elijah. Life has just been...good.

And then 2 days ago we realized we might not have enough money for groceries. Our pantry isn't completely bare but it was looking a little scarce. I had found a blog on monthly meal planning and had made out our list of groceries and meals for next month but we didn't think we would have enough money to buy all of the groceries on the list. Needless to say we were panicked a bit. Kaleb more than me. There is something so fragile about a man providing for his family. But then....

I opened my door this afternoon to three of my sweetest friends, all holding bags and bags of groceries. I didn't understand. I COULDN'T understand. I kept thinking who could have told them about our grocery problem that we had just found out about, ourselves, only 2 days ago. Who told them?! I was almost mad at first. And then they tell me that they had planned on doing this for a while now to show their appreciation for all I had done for them during life group this past year. What had I done for them? I felt as if I had failed this year. I kept thinking of all the things I need to fix next year. The ways I can be a better life group leader. The ways I can show my girls more love. The ways I can just be better. Isn't that always the way? We're always trying to better ourselves instead of recognizing the good we've already done. 

The most amazing part? This was in the works for a while now. God's timing is so unbelievably good. He saw this coming. He saw our pantry and fridge growing smaller before we ever noticed. He saw us 2 days ago when it hit us. So how could you ever doubt, friend, that He's watching now. That He sees you right where you're at. Troubles and storms. Joy and fresh air. He see's you. He knows you. And He is Jehovah-Jireh. Always.

And there's a TON more that I didn't get pictures of. I can't get over how sweet my King is and how thoughtful my girls are. Excuse me while I try to go fix my mascara. 


Dear Elijah (Kingdom's work)

11:10 AM

Dear Elijah,

Tomorrow would be the day your mama walked across the stage at Angelo State University and received a piece of paper declaring the hard work and hours she put it in to get specific education in a specific subject. This piece of paper, called a degree, would allow mama to teach the subject or to work within it's field. But mama will not be getting that piece of paper, son. I went to ASU for 2 years and then realized my calling in ministry and my inability to afford school and life on my own. It would be a lie to say I'm completely content with my decision. Some days it's hard and other days i'm perfectly fine with not being in school. Daddy will get his pastoral degree through an online university but at least he'll have a degree of some sort. I feel intimidated sometimes but then I remember where my heart is happiest and that sweet boy is with children and sharing my life with women in ministry.

You don't have to go to college. Yes, I said it. You don't HAVE to. It's something your dad and I have already discussed. Never think less of yourself if you choose not to. Always, always look for Kingdom work, Eli. Your personal Kingdom's work could be in a classroom teaching students or in a social work office helping in CPS situations. Whatever it looks like for you, do it. If your Kingdom work doesn't require a degree that's ok. You are my Kingdom's work. On the days you will scream for hours and not sleep (because yes, I know that day will come) I will remember that staying home with you and not sending you off to a daycare from 7 am-5 pm means I'm raising you. Raising you, praying over you, loving you, teaching you, cuddling you, feeding you...these are all things that seem simple but when really looked into-it's Kingdom work. Yes, I wish I was walking across the stage with the rest of my peers tomorrow BUT I am not at all sad or regretting your timing in anyway. You are Kingdom work. So is being a wife and a life group leader. So is being a teacher, a pastor, a nurse, a fire fighter, a cleaning lady, a graphic designer, and even an entrepreneur. If your soul's purpose is to glorify God in your life than your job is Kingdom work.

Always look for the Kingdom's work before looking for success. The crown is yours but never forget whose feet you will lay it at.

Love you always,


Preparing for baby.

9:51 AM

With my due date 10 weeks away I am in MAJOR nesting mode and I have to resist it. I'm trying to wait until June to start getting things prepared for him because that's when I will be done watching all of the babies. It just makes sense in my head I guess to wait until I will officially have nothing to do for a whole month to start on my "Elijah list." I have compiled this list from other mama's suggestions and blogs I have read on preparing for the baby. Here's my list (feel free to suggest more stuff I could add)-

-Put together my hospital bag and his diaper bag
-Find more decor, hang in his room
-Wash clothes/organize by size
-Make ABC scripture book
-Make playlist for the hospital (so far I only have some Explosions in the Sky songs)
-Organize bottle cabinet
-Organize diaper changing table
-Paint corner shelf
-Make a list of outings we can go on as a family (once he's ready)
-Decide on coming home outfit
-Stock up on mama's "stuff" (lady products, breast feeding things, etc.)
-Prepare some freezer meals 
-Buy under the crib tub for extra storage
-Wash down and bleach all plastic items that will be used right away (stroller, car seat, bath, etc.)

I feel like there is probably SO MUCH MORE I could add but that's all I've got so far. 

May should go by fast. Our weekends are so full. We have graduation this weekend (obviously not ours. We're going to watch friends graduate), Dave Matthews concert next weekend, and a sweet friend's wedding the next. Sprinkle some birthing and breastfeeding classes in there and we've got a pretty busy month. June will probably drag on but my amazing sister is coming to stay for the first week of June and my baby shower is June 1st! =) Busy, busy getting ready for Elijah. Squeezing in last minute trips, enjoying time with Kaleb and friends, and just getting this place ready. 

He's almost here! He's almost here! He's almost here! 

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