Chi Alpha family tree

1:11 PM

From back to front: Kylah Kotze, Mindy Murphy, Shawna Whitney, Ashlee Miller, Bre Hargrove, and Whitney Holder (soon to be Whitney Pierce next month)

This is my beautiful Chi Alpha family tree. For those of you who are not versed in the Chi Alpha language this family tree is of leaders who put the person standing in front of them through leadership training. Starting at Kylah and ending (but not ending indefinitely) with Whitney. 

2 years ago at SLA, a leadership conference, I first heard of the term "family tree." Eli Gautreaux, the pastor of SHSU Chi Alpha, introduced this term along with a picture during the conference. The picture was similar to this one. Eli told us the names, occupations, and even the year they served in XA. All of them in some form or fashion was still serving the Lord. I'm proud to say that all of these women myself included are doing the same. Whether it's in Chi Alpha, our church, their job, or within their family they are serving Jesus. We are all still fighting the good the fight and discipling other women. 

The same time I found out who was the start of my family tree I actually joined her life group within our church here in San Angelo. Pretty neat! Kylah and her husband Michael were leading a young married life group right after Kaleb and I had got married. It's fun to see how we all have connected with each other at least once since becoming leaders in Chi Alpha. 

I can't speak for all of these lovely ladies but I have personally been touched by each of them. Whether it's through learning how to navigate mamahood or just sharing life with each other I have grown in some way through conversations with each of them. I might be biased but this family tree is my all time favorite! ;]

Also, I think it's pretty cool that we're all married now. Including Whitney who will be getting married next month! Yay! =]

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