21 years of Kaleb

10:47 AM

Kaleb is 21 years old today. 21.

Kaleb James Hargrove.

Oh goodness, I'm so in love with him. 

1) He still sits on the very edge of the couch when he plays video games, barely blinking.
2) He likes burgers and going to the movies.
3) He has the heart of a dad, completely in love with children and always kind.
4) He consumes ridiculous amounts of soda.
5) He knows every word to every Dave Matthews Band song.
6) He has an epic beard of manliness.
7) He is hopelessly addicted to our ipad and all of the games on it.
8) Seeing live music is by far his favorite thing to do.
9) His talent shines most when he is drumming in our music room.
10) Seafood is his all time favorite food. All time.
11) He hates it when he sees people sitting alone in restaurants.
12) He wants to learn how to sing.
13) He hates breakfast sausage. 
14) He loves holding sweet babies. Absolutely loves it.
15) His latest TV show addiction is The Walking Dead.
16) His life group guys mean the world to him.
17) He is a hard worker at any thing he sets out to do.
18) He is full of so much wisdom even at 21.
19) He loves his family oh so much.
20) He won't drink coffee unless it's cold outside.
21) He is all mine <33

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